short garcello fic

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(didn't know want to write sorry)

Garcello and bf was gonna rap today
Garcello wasn't feeling well but he wasn't gonna let the little man down.
Beep boop! "hi garcello!"
H hey little ma ma man! Skaboop beep boo? "You ok buddy?" Y yeah I'm fine let's rap! Beep! "Ok!" They start rapping but garcello breath kept hitching and he didn't look good. They weren't halfway thru the first song before garcello couldn't holdback anymore. Ehhhhh ahhhh haaaa heh ah hah AHCHOOOOO ESHOOOOOO HASHOOOOO ISHOOOOO ESHOOOOOO CHOOOOO SHOOOOO ESHOOOOOO ACHOOOOO AHHHHHHHHCHOOOOOOOO! Bf was shocked when garcello stopped bf walked over to garcello and put a hand on his forehead he was hot. Beep boop bop skaboop "bless you your sick". Y yeah sorry little man I'm gonna go home let's do this some other day bye. They partied ways and went home.

(Sorry this was short)

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