whittys date gone wrong

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Whitty and Carols date was going great. But Carol came wearing perfume whittys allergic and he had been fighting a fit off the whole time. Ehhh ahhhh "sniff sniff" heh. You ok? O oh yeah I'm fine! Oh ok let's dance! O ok! They danced for twenty minutes before whitty couldn't hold it anymore. I I need t to go t the bathroom! Ok! He goes to the bathroom and starts stifling his sneezes. NGXT NGXT AHHHHHHH NGXXXXXXT EHHHHHHH NGXT NGXT NGXXXXXXTTTTTTTTT HAH HEH NGXCHOO! He manages to stifle them except the last one but it only shakes the ground a little. Phew! That's better ok I'm good! He goes back to Carol and dances some more. Heh eh. Whittys nose starts getting inchy again. Ahhh ehhh. Luckily Carols not looking so he pinches he's nose. T this is fun! Yeah it is I love you! L love you t to! Heh eh. You ok? Y yeah I I'm f fine! Luckily the tickle dies down enough so he can holdback.
But he couldn't holdback much longer. I I oh no c ca Carol I I'm g g g gonna s s sneeze r r run q q q quickly! O oh ok! EVERYONE RUN! Everyone ran away and hid. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh no I forget he's allergic to perfume! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH This is going to be big! AHHHHHHHHHHCHOOOOOOOOOOOO ESHOOOOOOO HASHOOOOOOO ISHOOOOOOO CHOOOOOOOOOOOO HASHOOOOOO SHOOOOOOOOO ESHOOOOOOO ICHOOOOOO ECHOOOOOOO! When he stopped everyone came out and blessed him. Umm bless you. Thanks heh sorry. It's ok... I think the partys over. And so everyone went home.

(Cries in cute ship.)

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