gf cold denial

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Gf was going to sit on her speakers she had caught a cold. But was hiding it from everyone she didn't want to bother anyone. Ahhh ehhh n no don't sneeze! She whispers to herself pinching her nose. Bf doesn't notice and gets into place waiting for pico to come and rap with him. But gfs poor nose can't take it anymore. Ahhhhhhchuuuuu! She sneezes into her hand and ruvs ice cream turns to pure ice. What the? My ice cream! Bless you you ok? Yeah just had to sneeze! Pico comes and gets into place and they begin to rap. Gf tries to holdback but she can't holdback much more and a couple sneezes escape. Ha ah eh haaachuuu echuuuu! Picos gun turns into butterflies and Nenes plush seal turns into a real seal. Omg thanks gf! What the? My gun not cool! S sorry that happens when I sneeze. Umm you sure your ok babe? You seem pretty sneezy are you sick? No its just probably a allergy! Ok ok. The start rapping again skid and pump come to watch but gf starts sneezeing again. Ahhhh ehhhhh haaaa chuuuuu echuuuu hachuuuu ehchuuuu! Skid turns into a real skeleton (don't worry he's still alive) and pump grows wings. Oh so cool I have Wings! And I'm a real skeleton a spooky skeleton! Pico turned into a goose and starts honking the song and cake pan falls on bfs head. Ow! That hurt! Honk honk! Gf are you sure you're not sick? Yes I'm fine! Ok but can you turn pico back please? Oh yeah! She does that and they start rapping again for the third time. But her nose gets a sharp tickle in it. ahhhhhhhHHHHHHH! Gf? You ok? CHOOOOOOOOOO HASHOOOOOOO ISHOOOOOOO SHOOOOOOO AHHHHHHCHOOOOOOO ESHOOOOOOO CHOOOO SHOOOO ICHOOOOOO ECHOOOOOOOOOO! Her sneezes are loud and she keeps sneezeing. CHOOOOO ESHOOOOOOOO AHCHOOOOO ISHOOOOOO! Her fit goes on for five minutes and things go crazy. Bf turns into a cook and skid and pump turn into dogs bfs mic turns into a fish. Pico got his gun back but now he has ten of them. Huh? Gfs parents come to get her they knew she was sick. Gf come home right... He never got to finish his sentence because he started floating away. Ah! Dear help! Of course love! Mommy mearest grabs daddy dearests leg but gf sneezes again. AHHHHSHOOOOO! Turning her mom into a chair. What? Gf stop right now! What is going on her bf? Pico asked looking at him. I don't know bf stop! She finally stops rubbing her nose and sighing. S sorry I didn't what to bother anyone. She says changing everything back to normal. Aww I'm not a dog anymore. Yeah I'm normal again. :( Sorry I got to go home. Gf says jumping off speakers young your going straight to bed! Babe get some sleep and I'll visit you later! Ok bye! Pico is still confused.

(I love this idea so much :) thanks for it! This is so much fun!)

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