tord fic

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(sorry this is short I haven't watched eddsworld in a long time and I'm also sorry if I get his character wrong)

Tord and bf are getting ready to rap. But skid and pump want to cause mischief so they decided to prank tord. So before they went to watch the rap battle they grabbed some pepper.
They get there and climb the house and watch for the right time. When I say go sprinkler the pepper over today head! Are you sure about this skid? Of course! Tord and bf walk up to the house and start rapping. Go! O ok! Pump sprinkle's the pepper over tords
Head. His nose starts burning and he rubs his nose. Boop bop? "you ok?" Y yeah it's j just my n nose burns I I'm gonna sn sneeze I ca can't holdback! Bf steps back just in case. Ah eh ah "sniff sniff" ah eh ahhhhhh ehhhhhh ahhhhh! He keeps rubbing his nose hoping it helps but it doesn't. Skid and pump are laughing. Ehhhhh ahhhhh I I I ahhhhhh caaaaaaaant ahhhhhhh ehhhhhh "sniffffff" hold hold hold! B b b ahhhhhh back! Boop skaboop beep. "just let them out" ahhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Bf backs up even more. AHHHHHHHCHOOOOOOO! The first sneeze is loud and bf swears he can feel the wind from it. ESHOOOOOOO ISHOOOOO ACHOOOO HASHOOOOO SHOOOO CHOOOO HASHOOOOO ISHOOOOO ACHOOOOO ESHOOOO ISHOOOOOOO ACHOOOOOOOOOOOO! The fit knocks bf and everyone behind him down and skid and pump roll over laughing. That was so funny! Pranks are fun! Yeah! Bf just states. W wow I don't know we're those came from! Will let's get back to rapping! B bep. "o ok".

(This is part of the au I'm making lol)

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