yukichi x imposter fic

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Yukichi and imposter but imposters nose had been ticking all day but he couldn't get the sneezes out. Eh ha ah "sniff sniff" ahhh ehhh ugh I hate this. You hate what love? Oh I have a tickle in my nose all day today! I can help I'll be right back! Yukichi ran to the kitchen and grabs pepper and runs back. Here I'm back! Umm what are you gonna do with that? This! Yukichi sprinkle in on imposters nose. H hey! Ahhh ehhhh haaa ah ah! Yukichi giggles and pats imposter on the head. Ahshoooooo eshooooo hashooooo chooooo echooooo hachooooo ahhhhchooooo eshoooo hashooooo eshoooooo chooooo! Hehe bless you sweetie you have such cute sneezes! I "sniff sniff" do not! Yes you do cutie! Stop >:(! Your embarrassing me! Where all alone honey! W well I I hmmp! Hehe!

(Insert new ship sounds here.)

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