senpais first cold

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Senpai wakes up feeling bad he'd never felt like this before. Spirit knew something was off he could sense it. "wimpers" I I don't f feel good w what's going o on? I don't know kid but I think I've felt it before? I I don't l like it eh ah heh. Kid you ok? You not gonna start that sneezeing again are you? Ehhh y yes ahhhh heh ahhhh "sniff" ahchuuu ehchuuuu ichuuuuu
achuuuuu! Senpai doubles over and shivers starting to cry. H hey don't cry! Come on it's ok I remember what this is! "sniffle" R really? What is it am I dying? No you have a cold I've had them when I had a physical form your just fine. N no I'm dying! Senpai dramatically fake faints. Achuuuuu ichuuu chuuuu hachuuuu! "Oh my god this kid will be the death of me!" Achuu ugh I feel like death "wimpers" make it go away! I wish I could kid. Aww you care about achuuu me ichuuu! No I just can't take your whining. Oh achuuu ichuuu achuuu chuuu! Senpai wanted to feel better so he decided to visit witty "not the most smart idea" he started walking there he doesn't live far. He knocks on the door witty opens the door and sees senpai. Oh my god senpai are you ok? You look like sick! Witty take senpai inside and feels his head. You so hot senpai! Thanks ;). Witty looks at senpai and says in a serious way. Senpai your really sick and you've never been sick before right? No I've achooo ISHOOOO hashooo AHHHHCHOOO! "Sniff cough" never been sick before and I just want to feel better! Senpai says starting to cry again. Hey hey it's ok sen it's ok don't cry I'm here your gonna be just fine! O
ok I just don't like it AHCHOOOO ISHOOOO! Bless you let's get you to bed you can sleep with me until you better. R really? Yes come on sen I'll help you. Senpai got into bed and witty took his temperature and gave him medicine with some problems. So it's achooo ISHOOOO candy and I can as much as I want? No it's medicine and you have it every two hours. But it tasted good? Oh sen you have so much to lean. ACHOOOO HASHOOOO ISHOOOO ESHOOOO! Bless you try to get some sleep. Ok. Senpai falls asleep but holds onto witty's arm so he has to sleep in bed with senpai.

(The ending be like)

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