witty's explosive sneeze

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(when witty sneezes it cases a explosion but it doesn't kill him don't worry)

The government finally gave up on capturing witty so he could go anywhere he wanted. Witty was exploring the city with senpai. He was
leaning about the world with the help of senpai. Isn't this place awesome witty? Yeah I guess but I don't get the
appeal of getting drunk and partying.
Idk but I want to try it someday! Whatever. They walk around the city just sightseeing until witty smells a strong smell. Ugh what is that smell? It's perfume isn't it lovey? Not really it's so strong and it smells nasty ack!
Well I think it's nice! Witty scrunches
his face it didn't smell good and it made his nose burn. W why is it making my nose burn? Ugh I hate this! Witty says rubbing his nose and his eyes start watering and he doesn't know what's happening. Are you ok? Is something wrong? I I don't k know! I I eh ehhh "snifff" ahhhh heh eh "sniff sniff" ahhhh! W Witty y your n not g gonna s sneeze a are y you? Senpai says shivering he was scared he knew what happens when witty sneezes and he didn't want him to.
I Im g gonna s sn sneeze! D don't l let m me! Ahhhh ehhhh hah ahhhh "snifffff" ahhhhhhh! Everyone turned to look at witty some said "what's he doing?" "is he ok?" "what's going on?"
Senpai jumped into action putting his index and middle fingers against witty's nose "or were it would be" pushing as hard as he could without hurting him and at the same time covering his mouth. Don't sneeze! Please? You can't not here wait just a little longer! Senpai and witty are basically a ice cream sandwiche witty
is trying so hard to holdback but it's aways been hard for him because when he has to sneeze he has to sneeze. I I can't I im gonna s sneeze y you need t to r run! Senpai let's go of witty's face and ran away yelling at people to run to most of the people ran except two people who were dragged away by there parents. Aww but momma I wanna see the cool bomb man sneeze! No way we could get killed now run! ahhhhhhhhhhh ehhhhhhhhh "sniffffffffffff" ahhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Everyone hid behind building's starring at witty. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI! ESHOOOOOOOO ISHOOOO AHSHOOOOOO SHOOOO ESHOOOOOO CHOOOOOOO CHOOOOOOOO ESHOOOOOOOO ISHOOOOOOO CHOOOOOOOO! When
witty finishes sneezeing everyone slowly comes out from behind the buildings all shocked except senpai who immediately runs to witty and hands him some hankies and witty thanks him and blows his nose. Ugh sorry "sniff" wow oops I um made quite the mess. The sidewalk had a huge hole in it now and stuff was eveyware on buildings in the road and witty was somehow wearing some random womans hat now. Um let's go home. Senpai says and witty give the woman her hay back and went home with senpai.

(More people need to write witty sneeze he has so much potential!)

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