skid and pump hide and sneeze

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Skid and pump are playing hide and seek they are hiding from bf who is the seeker. This is so fun pump! Y yeah it is heh. S skid! Yeah pump? Th this place is a little dusty I feel like I'm gonna sneeze! C could you put your finger under my nose? O oh ok! Skid puts his finger under pumps nose. Thanks skid. Eh ah ha "sniff sniff" ugh oh no skid what are you doing? Skid looks at his phone and takes his finger away. Ahhhhh ehhhh! Skid quicky pinches pumps nose. Ahhhhhngxt ngxt nxgt ngxxxt! Sorry for moving. I it's ok oh its so dusty in here! Skid rubs pumps nose trying to help him. S skid I n need to s sn sneeze so b b bad. I know but we have to win! O ok. They were being quiet but poor pump's nose was itching he's trying so hard to holdback but he can't much longer. Ah eh ah s s skid! H h help I I I'm g g gonna s s sn sneeze! Skid gets the message and covers pumps mouth. Ahhhhcuuuuu chuuuuu hachuuuuu echuuuu! The sneezes are muffled but pumps not done. Ahhhhhhh! Oh come fight it please! He puts his finger back under pumps nose also covering his mouth with his hand. Ehhhhhhchuuuuu chuuuuu chuuuuu chuuuuu! Bf gives up just as they fall out of the closet. Oh come on I give and then you decide to come out! Bf says stomping out. Hehe that was fun! Sure skid chuuu ahhhhchuuuu sure.

(No one requested this but I've been working on this for a few days cos I kept changing what kind of fic I wanted it to be lol.)

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