A List

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Just something a transformers fan like me will make. 

1. Everytime you see a Camaro you think of Bee. (Yup)

2. You think that fires in California are started by Decepticons. (I mean Crazybolt and Slicdice were doing that)

3. You compare everything to Transformers.

4. You can't see crashed cars/planes/jets without shuddering.

5. You've named your car/your parent's car after a Transformer or just a name in general. (My parent's car is called Amy II cuz the other car we had was Amy)

6. You draw the Autobot/Decepticon logo on everything. (Lol my hand)

7. If there's a bad guy in a story, you compare him to Buckethead or Star-minibucket(Starscream)or any other con.

8. You read the word deception as Decepticon. (I mean yes)

9. You say OMP and other Cybertronian words. (Slag it, that's me)

10. You wanna write a list like this. 

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