Out of His Head DTAU short

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DTAU stands for Decepticon Trackz Aligned AU which is what I call it. The name comes from the fact that this version of the AU originated with Trackz being a 'con. I bettah stawp. (Yes, I changed it after realizing what the old abreviation actually meant, dont want people getting the wrong idea.)

Imma just put a trigger warning up here because my mind is a dark place (AN FROM LATER: pls its not that dark). I don't know if it classifies as something that needs to be trigger warning-ed but I ain't taking chances. 


"You WILL be under my control, pest!"Darkmist exclaimed-her voice the definition of evil. 

"Get out of my head, Glitchbutt."

"Silence!"Darkmist exclaimed again, with a sort of storm inside his mind. 

Star noticed that her brother had been acting strange lately. She wanted to check up on him, just to make sure it wasn't anything bad. It was at that moment that she came and asked,"Bee, are you okay?"

Darkmist smirked. Now there was a way to get that pest fully under control. Before Bee could do anything about it, a Dark Energon bolt came out of his servo and struck Star. Darkmist had been aiming to kill that half-Predacon creature, but that pest had moved his hand enough so it wasn't too harmful. 

-I'm so sorry, Star.- 

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