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Unicronians are basically minions of Unicron. They are the Primes' counterparts, I guess you could say. 

Recall that Primus and Unciron were once one-Primacron. When they divided, Unicron still got some of the creation ability that Primus had (more of). 

Unicronians are chaotic beings, generally appearing the form of indigo to purple and even black mist. All the Unicronians except Darkmist, have to have a body to live. 

They usually chose to live in the body of a bot who has already died. Unicronians can keep themselves inside the bot unless they're fighting or extremely *anything*.

Darkmist is a special type of Unicronian. She's literally Dark Energon, the so-called 'Blood of Unicron'. Dark Energon is just her dark spark corrupting regular energon. She requires no body to live, and cannot be killed. She can also leave parts of herself anywhere to come back to later. 


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