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I got this from the Internet
Someone on deviantart I think

You know someone is gonna be tagged right in this line....

Y'all I was on the app for half of this and it is fragging wierd...


Okay heheh let's do this. 

1. MY oldest OC? Bumblebeetle. She was around before I even knew what OCs were. I did kinda redo her character from the original but yeah.

2. My newest OC is Formchanger, she's from something I'm working on..

3. Fav OC? I love them all equally lol no favorites.

4. Of course I have villain OCs

The Nightins


the Mistress of Night



Lightstrika (who you shall know in a while or not it depends)

Megaldonus (who's is kinda sorta an OC but also like a canon character)

originally Nyxxi

Tiretrackz/Havoc for the longest time

Probs more

5. Well writing.......

6. I GET INSPIRED BY SOMEONE else (Silverbird was inpsired by Chase from Magics *sniffle*)... tho not all the time. I think up the character's personality and stuff like that....I give them a name...

7. Databirddd

8. Wouldn't you like to know? I ship certain OCs with different OCs created by different entertainment companies lol...

9. I like to think they all are wierd in their own way....special.

10. Nice question.

11. I WOULD consider myself kinda sorta nice to my OCs.

12. Hoohoohoo a lott....Airblade, Honeycomb, Formchanger, Solar/ a lot more

13. HONEYCOMB AND WASSSSPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP-no I do not mean like Waspinator Wasp I mean I have an OC named Wasp. Other than that I have to t h i n k

14. Defs my older ones, like Supernova.

15. Hmm I dunno

16. Tallest would be Magna.....shortest would be a human OC...

17. Oldest and youngest(in age not when I created them) 

hmmm Darkmist is the oldest 

Or Nyxxi she's a kwami, kwamis have been around a long time in MToLBaCN....or just MLB.

The youngest? Honestly I dunnooo.


19. ahahaha Starfire started out as one, Airblade did DID TRACKZ.....

20. Making so many is h a r d to keep track of them all.

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