Decepticons Groupchat!

15 1 1

Because I realized I haven't actually done this for the 'cons. 



Silver - Me! 

Officialbuckethead - Megan! ER MEGATRON! 

AllHailMe - Starscream

... - Soundwave

ShinyBuffersBoi - Knockout

AliveAndKicking? - Breakdown

NotSoIncyWincy - Airachnid

Illogical - Shockwave

Wreaking___ - Havoc (see what I did there :D) 

TheLaw - Darkmist (it's a song by Reach, it fits her)

(If anyone else shows up idk)


<Everyone has been added to this groupchat> 

TheLaw: What is this groupchat thing

Illogical: It is an illogical human thing. 

Wreaking___: You're the only one who thinks that, Shockwave. 

TheLaw: It must be good at making chaotic energy.

ShinyBuffersBoi: Who made the usernames? 

Silver: I did. 

ShinyBuffersBoi: They're accurate. 

Silver: Thanks, Knocky.

Wreaking___: He's right! 

<... is now AlwaysWatching177>

Silver: Wait how'd you-oop never mind you can hack.


Wreaking___: Purpose*, I cannot spell. 

AlwaysWatching177: Yes.

AllHailMe: I thought you never spoke.

AlwaysWatching177: -_- Ice cream,  this isn't speaking. 

AllHailMe: Ice cream? 

Silver: Lol, imagine all the nicknames he has for y'all that he doesn't tell y'all. 

AlwaysWatching177: Just imagine...

Officialbuckethead: Silver!

Silver: *chuckles* I'm in danger. 

Officialbuckethead: WHAT IS THAT NAME

Silver: Oh, that's what everyone except the 'cons officiallly calls you. 

NotSoIncyWincy: What is happening 

Silver: comgratukations, you're no longer a vampire zombie 

NotSoIncyWincy: A what

Silver: congratulations*. I CURED you basically.

Officialbuckethead: Silver! 

Silver: What-

Officialbuckethead: CHANGE IT! 

Silver: okay

<Officialbuckethead is now Megan>

Megan: Not to this!

Silver: you're stuck with it, Megan. 

AlwaysWatching177: ...*shock*

Silver: Don't worry Slennyderman, I won't say a word.

Wreaking___: Slennyderman? 

Silver: It's like Slenderman but with Lenny. I too dabble in the art of random nicknames. 

Wreaking___: oh. Okay. 

Silver: I came up with Precious One. 

ShinyBuffersBoi: Ooh, interesting. 

AllHailMe: Who's is that? 


AlwaysWatching177: Silver speaks the truth. 

Silver: I do. 

NotSoIncyWincy: Silver speaks confusion

Silver: Ahahaahahah truth. 

TheLaw: You have confused me. Co-author of chaos and confusion. It is an achievement. 

Wreaking___: Remain confused, it's better like that hehe, and Silver you SHHHH

Silver: okay fine. WAIT I CONFUSED DARKMIST-n o w a y-

AliveAndKicking?: hello

Silver: Hey there Breakdown! 

ShinyBuffersBoi: Wait, Breakdown? 

Silver: Yes. 

NotSoIncyWincy: but I killed him

Silver: Are you a vampire zombie anymore? 

NotSoIncyWincy: no

Silver: There. If I can un-make you a vampire zombie, then I can surely aliven a 'con. 

Illogical: un-make and aliven are not words. 

Silver: Quiet, you!

Illogical: You are illogical.

Silver: whatever you say, cyclops. 

AlwaysWatching177: good one 

Silver: haha, thanks. 

Illogical: What is a cyclops? 

Silver: Look it up. 


welp idk this is kinda a random place to stop but my creative juices said n o

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