A Short I Guess

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Sideswipe was outside the scrapyard, training, alone in the forest. This was much better than listening to Strongarm go on and on about earth animals-even if that information would have come in handy during a fight with an animalistic con.

 After going some ways ahead, he had heard something ahead of him and stopped. A terrifyied* decepticon was trying to hide himself from some thing. 

The thing was a purple mist with a face towering over the scared 'con. In an instant, it had taken out said con. Sideswipe stayed in the cover of the tall trees. He wanted to run, but somehow he was glued to the ground he stood on.

As Sideswipe looked, he noticed an Autobot-was it?-who looked dead. The creature then slowly seeped into the dead-looking Autobot, and made it come to life. 

 After a short fight of sorts, the purple creature bot recognized Sideswipe as an Autobot and stopped. She introduced herself as Windblade, hoping the red car hadn't seen her as the purple creature. 


YES, PEOPLE. I had this idea at probably three a.m. and thought it was good, and anyways y'all haven't seen too much of my transformers writing. 

So, Windblade is Unicronian officially in my universe. She is on the Autobots side even though she is from Unicron. It's kinda like how Megatronus (and some other Prime ugh who was he again) are of Primus but they're still evil. 

And yes she made up the story about being chosen by Primus. 

And yes her real name is not Windblade.

And yes, the original Windblade died long ago.

And yes, I'm planning to do a proper introduction to Unicronians.

Until then, PEACE OUT!! 


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