The Story of Wind Part 2

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AS I promised, here's part two of the story of Wind. It will have more parts. 



   Wind was sobbing in the corner. It wasn't really fair, that her sisters and "mother" could go to the party, and not her. Suddenly, a bright light shone from the top of the house. Then, a mystical sounding voice spoke and said ,"Wind."

   Wind looked up, not knowing who spoke. "Yes," she answered, thinking this was one of her sisters' tricks.

   "I've watched you, and know how you feel. For today, I am granting you back your wing, and your paint. Take care to come home before Luna-3 sets, or they will return to normal."

  "Oh, how could I ever thank you??" Wind asked.

  "You do not need to. Oh, and before I forget, here are these beautiful glass covers. It is in style to put these on one's wings (though I do not understand it)."

  Before Wind could utter her thanks, again, the bright light shone around her, transforming her into something completely different. Then, the bright light and the mystical being disappeared. Wind put on the glass covers, and flew to the party, so overjoyed. The Cybertronian sun was still up, it's rays making the glass to shine, causing a beautiful rainbow. Many bots at the party, saw this and were awed, even the Wind's two sisters, and her aunt. They all wanted to know who this jet was. 

  Wind finally descended, and transformed, in front of the large building with it's large courtyard. She gracefully walked in, the covers, again, catching the sun's last rays and making a spectacular display. The jets around her noticed and flocked around to ask who she was and such questions. She didn't say a word about that, hoping to remain a mystery. Even the ruler's son, watching from one of the overlooking balconies, seemed to notice.


Welp, this all I really could write for now. More on this coming soon!!!!



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