Little Gremlin | DT Universe Short

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Mooncruiser loved Uncle Knockout. He would always sneak little energon treats to her whenever he could. They were the equivalent to what the humans called chocolate and candy. Just like the human versions caused some to have sugar rushes, the Cybertronian versions also caused something similar to sugar rushes.

So there Mooncruiser was, after having had an unccountable number of those treats. A grin appeared on her face, terrifying enough the living daylights out of anyone. She suddenly felt powerful and decided to cause chaos.

She had been sitting, but now she suddenly bolted upright and zipped out of the room. Havoc was a bit shocked, but she thought the sparkling was just going to see her father. She hadn't seen the young one zip around that quickly, but then again, that was a sparkling, and sparklings had energy.

Havoc continued working on modificiations for the ship, when she heard a shriek and a thud a few seconds later that she assumed was Starscream. She really didn't care about that Seeker, but she walked out of the room and down the hallway, to see what happened. Starscream looked confused as he was sprawled on the floor. 

Confused but not concerned, Havoc asked,"Are you alright?"

"That annoying sparkling of yours," he pointed at Havoc,"crashed into me at lightning speed and then RAN AWAY! But not before she gave me an ominous grin!"

"First of all, she is NOT annoying, and secondly, where did she go?"

Starscream pointed down one of the main halls. "Don't just stand here, help me!" Starscream exclaimed at one of the Vehicons, when Havoc took off in that direction.

 She immediately caught sight of the purple blur whizzing by. Mooncruiser had shapeshifted into the alt-mode of a Cyclone mini-con and was zooming about the corridors. "Mooncruiser!...What has gotten into you, child?" she asked, running as fast as she could. Mooncruiser zoomed off down another hall at a fork, and Havoc didn't know where she'd gone. She found the purple sparkling a minute and a crash and scream later, still energetically spinning.


-She'll slow down eventually...after all, it's only a sugar rush-

-A what?-

-A sugar rush, extra amounts of energy caused by consuming too many candies, the extra energy goes away quickly-

-oh..guess we're hunting down Knockout after this then.-

Literally after that conversation, Mooncruiser came to a stop at another fork and shapeshifted back into bot form.
"Moon is dizzy."Havoc picked her up and held her close to herself. 

"And 'Uncle' Knockout is going to end up worse."


And so, with Soundwave, they found Knockout and she yelled at him for giving her child so much candy. And Soundwave pretty much stood there and tried to keep her calm xD. 


Lolz I had this idea while chatting with my friend Chaos (ChaosOfAKitty), I had to write it down and put it up here so she could see it

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