The Daughter Of Ares

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Marcey's p.o.v.

I sighed as I watched my friend Ethan walked in with a girl. Man I told him not to go for her she was nothing but trouble. And besides she looked like she couldn't put 2 and 2 together. I walked over to Maria" dude looked what Ethan brought up from the trash." She looked over and laughed." She looks mad about something." I shrugged my shoulders" how should I know. I don't speak stupid." I saw Ethan look at us and smile.

I smiled and gave a small wave. He walked over with the biggest smile on his face" you guys the best thing happened to me!" I smirked and looked at Maria she nodded. I grinned and said" well I deduce that." He looked confused for a minute then" awe come on let me tell about my personal life for once!" I smirked again" let's see. Dilated pupils and I bet his pulse is up. And considering you smell faintly of female perfume I'm guessing that wench over there belongs to you."

He sighed" I knew you would say that. You just judge people with out knowing them." I frowned" I do not I totally know her type!" He groaned" stop ranting about your stereotypes already! Claire is a perfectly nice girl!" I crossed my arms and sighed" fine I won't be rude to her but when she does something I have the right to say I told you so!" Ethan nodded" if! If She ever does something!" I roll my eyes and Maria clears her throat" you guys we should get to service." I nodded and we walked into the sanctuary.

~ time skip brought by PerSassy!~

We walked towards the youth room in a group. I felt claustrophobic with another person in the hall causing me to be pressed against a wall. I sighed" how about we just go outside its a nice day it's not too cold and not too hot." Maria smiled" that sounds like a great idea! Let's do it!" Jason nodded" totally! Me and Ethan can talk about his YouTube channel!" I nodded and Alfie smiled and laughed" totally I need to work on my tan anyways!"

Ethan looked at his girlfriend and she sighed" fine I guess we can go outside!" I also scoffed. Maria looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I shook my head and turned around and made my way towards Ricky's play ground. As soon as I opened the door my feeling of claustrophobia melted away. I smiled as the breeze blew through my pixie cut. I smirked and yelled" LAST ONE TO THE PLAY GROUND HAS TO BUY EVERYONE COOKIES NEXT WEEK!"

We all took off towards the play ground. I got there first having a head start. Jason after me and Alfie after him, Maria following close behind him. Ethan and his girlfriend last. I walked over and smiled" looks like cookies are on you Ethan." He sighed" again! Man if this keeps up I'll be in debt before I'm 13!" Claire glared at me and said" you don't have to buy them cookies you know!" I growled and Maria looked at me and said" don't!"

I put up my hands and said" I'm not responsible for anything I do if she pisses me off!" Ethan sighed" I'm yea I do! That's the whole point of me losing." He looked at me" I would have normally beat them anyways." I raised an eyebrow and cracked my knuckles" oh you wanna go sort stack!" He laughed and said" no I'm just saying I would win!" I blew a raspberry and he waved me off. Maria and I than ran over to the see-saw.

I jumped in the middle and soon the others joined us. Me and Alfie stood in the middle seeing how high the seats would come off the ground. After hitting the ground twice Claire fell out. I busted out laughing along with Alfie and Jason. Ethan and Maria were the only ones who checked to see if she was okay. I jumped off the see-saw and walked over to her. She was dusting the dirt of her skirt. I snickered" dude you okay?"

She glared at me and said" you know what! Screw you!" My eyes widened and than I realized she had gotten taller. Her arms and legs turned into metal. Ethan stepped back in horror. Maria squeaked in surprise." Holy shit." I backed away from the creature. She growled and said" I should have killed you all sooner!" Her voice was filled with venom.

I looked at everyone they were frozen in fear. We needed a distraction. I smirked" wow you're even uglier than before." She screeched" how dare you! I am the most beautiful of my race!" I made a tsk tsk sound" I'd really hate to see ugly. Like really chick your plain just ugly." She screeched again but this time is was silenced by someone yelling" INCOMING!"

I looked up and saw a jar of something. I jumped away a split second before it hit Claire. It was" green fire!? But the only fire that's green is-" I stopped mid-sentence as a giant golden dragon came into view. I swear to god my chin hit the floor." Jesus" a boy jumped from the dragon and smirked" no but I've heard we look alike." The boy looked around and nodded" hmmm I think you see the dragon as a dragon right?" I nodded" yea I see a giant metal dragon."

I looked around. Where did everyone go." Where are my friends?" He looked around" don't worry their with the dragon. By the way I'm Leo, Leo Valdez." He stuck out his hand and I shook it" Marcey, Marcey Rodriguez." He nodded" okay come with me." I said nothing as he walked towards the dragon. Leo Valdez I've heard that name before. He stopped suddenly and I almost bumped into him. He turned around to face me" what year is it?" I raised an eyebrow but answered" it's 2015 why?" He sighed" good I've only been gone a year!"

I didn't question from where. I was still trying to figure out where I heard the name Leo Valdez from. He continued towards the Dragon and yelled" hey Calypso! How are they doing?!" Calypso! Oh my god" YOUR A DEMIGOD!" He turned around and smiled" yupp!" I shook my head" no! No! Your a fictional character! I'm going insane I'm probably talking to a tree right now! Or worse a freaking squirrel!"

Maria ran over to me and grabbed my shoulders and shook me" get it together woman! Your not insane! This is reality!" After she finally stopped shaking me I looked around for real. The church was burned down and Jason and Alfie were hurt. I ran over to them" what the hell happened?!" They looked at me and Alfie said" well you kinda got knocked out for like 20 minutes."

"No I was awake when Ethan's girlfriend turned into-" I stopped my sentence. A flash back hit me and hard too.

Claire glared at me and than charged at me. She slammed me into a tree and than punched me.

I groaned as I fell to my knees. My stomach hurt like hell from where she rammed into me. Maria helped me back up. I thanked her and said" okay what the hell is going on?!" Leo turned to Ethan who sighed" well I was kinda assigned to keep you guys safe till you were 12 and well the world almost ended like 7 times and I couldn't take you to camp you would just get in the way or hurt and I can't let my friends get hurt."

I looked at Ethan really confused. He sighed" I'm kinda a saytr." I blinked a free times" a what?" He sighed and removed his shoes to show me hoofs. Goat hoofs. My mouth was hanging open" um what the hell?!" The girl who was sitting on the dragon, whose name I assumed was Caylpso said" I know this is a lot to take in but we need to get you all moving. There will be more monsters after you."

I looked at my friends and nodded" alright we'll come." Leo smiled" alright everyone on the Dragon." I smiled and poked Maria" five bucks the dragon's name is Festus!" As soon as I said the name the dragon made a sound that sounded like ' what?' I smirked as Jason and Alfie helped me get on the dragon.

I put in my headphones and turned my music up all the way. This was gonna be one weird Sunday.

[ [ Authors Note ] ]

Heyoooooo here's another story about Maria Jason Marcey Ethan and Alfie!! Go check out INVISIBLENINJAH
And her book called The Prophet. Whoop whoop guys!! Lol but bye for now


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