Chapter 18: The Asian

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Marcey's p.o.v.

I sighed as we finally made it to the Roman camp. I had managed to lose my sword that my dad left for me. Which I'm sure he won't be very happy about.

But it didn't matter at this point, I was ready to pass the fuck out.

And I'm pretty sure Nico was half dead, well more dead than he already was.

I caught him as he stumbled "Yo Nico you okay?"

He nodded and weakly tried to shove me away "I'm fine."

I let him go quickly and caught him again as he fell "I don't count passing out as okay. Come one, it's no that to the preda- whatever's office or house or what fucking ever! We can make it even if I have to freaking carry you!"

Which is what I ended up doing.

I had Nico on my back when I heard someone scream.

I gently put down Nico and reached for my sword. I cursed myself for losing it. I looked around and spotted a gold rod. I picked it up and hopes for the best.

I silently made my way towards where the screaming came from.

A scream pierced the area and I gripped the rod with both my hands and peeked around the corner.

It was a gorgon, and how did I know that. Well the scales and the hissing gave that away. Plus the stone people lined up along the path.

This wasn't an ordinary gorgon, it was Medusa herself.

I looked around and saw no glass nor anything that could give me a reflection of any sorts.

I cursed as I pulled out the mirror Maria had stolen as a "parting gift".

I opened it and angled it so it would point to go around the corner. I looked in the mirror and saw snakes hissing and going in all directions.

I cursed and grabbed my necklace, and I started to pray.

"Father, give me the strength to defeat Medusa." I looked at the mirror and saw she was gone.

"Apollo give me speed and accuracy. Athena give me knowledge and help this plan to work. I promise I will make it up to all of you!"

And than I stood and felt a weight in my pocket. I stuck my hand in my pocket and found a ring. A gold and bronze ring.

I slid it on my finger and took a deep breath.

"Oh my gods!"


I ran towards Nico and noticed the wet floor. I dropped down and slid under Medusa and grabbed Nico and ran not looking back.

"Marcey is that?!?"

"Medusa! You bet your ass it was!"

I ran and lead Nico as far away from the she beast as I could.

"Stay here. I will deal with her."


"Nico your about to pass out! Let me hand this!"

He looked into my eyes and nodded. "Alright, just be sure to kick her ass."

I nodded and took off. It was now or never.

A scream and clash of metal drew me to the center of the town. I got out the mirror and opened it and angled it again.

This time I could see Hazel swinging blindly at Medusa. Medusa was hissing and blocking with what seemed to be a iron bar.

I put away the mirror and set down the rod. I twisted the ring on my hand. There was a small glow and the ring was suddenly my sword.

I smirked "Thanks pops!"

I quickly and as silently as possible snuck up on Medusa.

A few of her snakes turned an hissed as me. I shut my eyes and swung.

A loud thunk made me open my eyes. I looked down at Medusa's head laying on the floor.

I went over to her body and looked for her sunglasses. Upon finding them I quickly put them on her face.

"Um you can open you eyes, She's dead and I covered her eyes."

Hazel's eyes popped open and she stared at me "Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Marcey. In actually here with Nico an-"

"Where's Nico!?"

~ le time skip cuz idk what else to do ~

I looked around Frank's office. It was pretty nice. It had a picture of his grandmother and his mom.

I felt it impolite to sit before be got there. So I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.

The door opened and I turned to see Nico walk in with who I assumed to be Frank.

I held out my hand and smiled "Marcey, daughter of Ares."

Frank shook my hand "Frank, son of Mars. And I have a feeling Ares sent you here?"

I nodded "his exact words were you gotta go talk to the Asian."

Frank sighed "Of course they would be."

The door reopened and Hazel joined us. She smiled at me "I'm Hazel, we were never given a proper time to introduce ourselves after the whole-"

"Gorgon thing?"

She nodded "Your pretty good for a newbie! Nico told me you've only been in the camp a few months."

I nodded "Yeah, wow it's only been a few months. It felt like years."

Frank nodded "I also heard that Apollo is that camo half-blood."

I sighed "Sadly, yes. He is living in the Ares cabin because I'm the only one who has the patience to deal with a kindergartener."

Nico snorted. "Be careful what you say Marcey. You may just piss of another god."

Frank's eyes went wide "Who'd you make angry?!"

I sighed "Hera, and I think Athena is barely tolerating my existance."

Frank sighed "How'd you make Hera angry but not Zeus?"

"Oh no he doesn't like me either, but I think he finds my struggles entertaining."

Frank nodded "I see."

I looked at the ring on my finger. I resisted the urge to twist it and have my sword in hand. For some reason the swords presence itself made me feel, safer?

Frank looked at my ring "Is that a gift from Ares?"

I looked at him and than at the ring "Well at first it was a sword, than I lost the sword and than this ring showed up in my pocket when I prayed to him."

He nodded "Wow that's cool."

I nodded and shrugged "Not as cool as being able to turn into a fruit bat."

Frank blushed and Hazel laughed. Nico rolled his eyes in I believe disgust.

Frank looked at his desk "I have no idea why Ares sent you to me. But you did kill that gorgon. And that was helpful."

I shrugged "I don't know either."

The door opens And in walked in

"Reyna your back!"

The Daughter Of AresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora