Chapter 15 Winter Wonderland

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Marcey's p.o.v.

I looked around the camp and saw people in regular shirts and jeans. While I was standing to the side looking like a fucking potato wrapped in foil. I had on a large silver jacket, because we are on long island and its fucking January!

I'm used to Texas winter weather, which is at the coldest 60 maybe 50 degrees. But that's at night, WITH THE AIR CONDITIONING AND EVERY FAN IN THE HOUSE ON!! But noooo, I'm on Long island I was basically frozen.

Clarisse had been kind enough to postpone training until Maria Alfie Jason and I got used to the weather.  So right now I was hanging out with Nico who was equally as cold as I was.

"I hate New York."

Nico looked over at me and nodded in agreement "Same."

my teeth chattered as I spoke "And here I thought the cold wouldn't effect me on account of my cold heart."

Nico snickered at my comment but then stopped and began to shiver.

Alfie walked towards us wearing a normal hoodie, and he looked like he was freezing. "Marcey!! Can I borrow your jacket?"

I hissed at him as he tried to take the jacket from me. He sighed and looked at Nico, Nico laughed and turned away from him.

"Alfie, I will give up my jacket when you bring me something that interests me, do we have a deal?"

He nodded and ran off towards the Hermes cabin.

I sighed, because it was to cold to do anything but not cold enough for it to be an excuse for me to go inside my cabin and stay there.  It's not like it mattered anyways, my mom was sending my a box of stuff for Christmas. She had agreed that it would be better for me to stay at Camp Half-blood than go home for the holidays.

"Marcey!! Would the package from your mom interest you?"

I looked up to see him running towards me with a rather large cardboard box.

"Be careful you idiot! There could be something breakable in there!"

Nico looked over at me and then at Alfie, because he knew I would end up giving him my jacket.

Alfie finally reached me and held the box over his head "Nu uh, the jacket first!"

I sighed and prepared myself for frozen death and took off my jacket and handed it to him.

I shivered as I took the package away from him. "I'll give you 10 seconds Alfie. After that I'm coming after you for my jacket!"

He nodded and took off.

I walked towards a tree and Nico followed me, I had convinced my mom to buy a shirt from HotTopic for him. I took out my dagger and cut the tape and the box popped open. I opened the flaps and the first thing in there was Nico's shirt. it had two little notes written in my moms handwriting on it.

Marcey when you give your friend his shirt wish him a Merry Christmas from me and your sister.

The other one read

Marcey, in case this is for a girl your dating, I wish you two the best. Also the smallest one I could find was this one I'm sorry!

I groaned and threw the shirt at Nico. He opened the folded shirt and nodded.

"Your mom's good at picking out shirts." He turned it around to show me the rainbow skull on the front. "Also what did the notes say?"

"Oh my mom and sister say Merry Christmas, the other was one from my mom wishing me luck in case you were a girl I was trying to woo!" I rolled my eyes as I said the last part.

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