Chapter 13: Camp Fire Prophcey sorta

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Marcey's p.o.v.

We all sat at the campfire tired and over worked. Alfie's bird laid a egg tho so that's kinda good news. And Clarisse said we an take tomorrow off. Rachel Elizabeth Dare was one of the only people from the book I hadn't spoken too. She spent most of her time in Hera's cabin, but for some reason she was sitting at the campfire today.

Will and his team and Nico were on a quest to get Oracle of Delphi working again. They were supposed to return today and everyone was worried. They were late. All of a sudden they appeared, Nico looked weak from shadow traveling. I was close so I ran over to help.

" are you guys okay?!!" Will nodded and said" help me get Nico to the medical tent." I picked up Nico since he didn't weigh much. Like seriously the dude was really underweight. We ran to the medical tent and I set him on one of the beds. He was sweating and he had a fever.

" I'll leave so you can do what you need to." He turned and said" I'm actually I need your help." He handed me a wet rag" it's to-" " I know what it's for Will I'm not an idiot." I could hear the cheering of the campfire from the medical tent. " you all came back alive right??"

Will nodded" mostly we had to shadow travel a lot to keep out of dangers. It was a lot on Nico. " I nodded and put the tag on Nico's forehead all of a sudden his eyes opened and he sat up and coughed like he was dying. Will almost freaked out.

I got Nico a glass of water. He drank it and his coughing stopped. " are you okay Nico!" He nodded" I'm fine. I didn't know you were on Nurse duty." I rolled my eyes" I carried you here asshat I'm not a nurse!" He nodded" sorry didn't mean to upset you!" I shrugged" same sorry!"

Will looked confused " why did the cheering stop?" I finally noticed" it stopped when Nico woke up!" I turned around and Rachel was at the standing behind me. " um Rachel??" She frowned and said" I have a prophecy for you."

" um okay what is it?" " I'm I'm not sure." " what?" " Oracle of Delphi has only been recently awoken you shouldn't try to predict anything yet you might get hurt Rachel." She shook her head" no! It's important! It's really Important she needs to know!" Nico and I looked at each other. Nick got off the bed and I smiled awkwardly " well I think Nico and I are just gonna go um Will how about to take care of Rachel while we leave." Will was about to object when Rachel said" No! You can't I need to tell you-" and than she passes out.

I caught her, it was awkward though. I put her on the bed where Nico was" um do you need help with" I looked at her" that situation?" He shook his head" she's just sleep deprived. It's nothing." He looked at Nico and said" him on the other hand! Restrain him please so I can see if his okay!"

I looked at Nico and than at Will. Than I pulled out my phone" oh no my moms calling me" " your phone didn't ring." " seriously Will I need to take this it might be important" " but it didn't ring!" I put my phone to my ear "Sí mamá puedo escucharte. no, yo no estoy haciendo nada importante, pd supuesto que puedo hablar. Espere" I covered my phone with my hand" I need speak with my mother sorry."

Will had a bitch face and Nico was smirking. " I walked out of the medical tent and put my phone away. Today was weird really weird. But I'm glad I solangelo got time together

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