Chapter 14: Apollo What's Good

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Marcey's P.O.V.

We had all gathered around the campfire to listen to Will's story about how him and his team plus Nico woke the Oracle Delphi. We were having a nice time, till Rachel Elizabeth Dare walked over to the campfire area her eyes bright white and her body surrounded by green mist.

"The call of five

strength courage imagination hope and drive

Pandora's purpose once fulfilled

The time has come her mistakes have willed

A box, A king

A final scheme

In twelve months time

the eastern suns will rise

upon a willowy keep

This is where they shall meet the beast"

She spoke in a hast. Then moments after the mist had cleared and her eyes returned to their normal color she fainted.

I being lucky enough to be close to her i caught her. She looked tired and worn out. I picked her up and carried to Apollo cabin. Where the god himself happened to be staying as well.

He wasn't happy about the whole punishment thing so he was kind of just sulking in the corner for the time being. No one was really paying attention to him.

"Oh look who here's! It's Molly!"

"First of all my name is Marcey, second of all fuck you! Third of all do you not see the PROPHET passed in my arms!?!"

"First of all I don't care, second I am actual god and I strike you down right here right now! Third do you think I care?"

I set Red, it's easier to say then her whole name, down on the bed in front of me. I then looked up at the annoying but undeniably good looking god. I was prepared to give Apollo a what for.

He looked so pathetic sitting there in the corner like a real life version of Tamaki Souh. Even looked like him too.

"Hey Apollo"

"What Molly?"

I sighed I will ignore the fact that he called me Molly and just spokr "Your basically a real life version of Tamaki Souh aren't you?"

He rolled his eyes "Yeah except I'm not in a host club."

"Wait you know who Tamaki Souh is!?!"

"Well his was modeled after me!"

That actually makes a lot of sense. I looked at him and grinned "Too bad Tamaki got all the nice characteristics."

"What did you just say!?!"

"I said a fictional character has a better personality then you will ever have!"

He stood from his corner and walked over to where I was. "Say it Molly I dare you!"

"My name isn't Molly you punk ass bitch! It's Marcey!"

"Well your name is stupid!"

"At least I didn't trade all my cows for a freaking harp!"

"It was a one of a kind harp!"

"I bet you broke with in week!"

"I am god thousands of years older then you!"

"Well I'm a demi-god millennium younger then you and yet your still acting like a five year old!"

"Well-- Shut up!"

"Your both acting like children now move!"

We both turned to see Will standing behind me looking pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Apollo started it!"

"It was not me! It was Molly!"

"See he's even trying to start crap now!"

"If you two are going to fight please get out of my way so I can help Rachel."

I looked down at Rachel and left the cabin. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to see Apollo following me.

"Why the hell are you following me!?"

He glared at me and said "You're the only one that will talk to me!"

"Well you're annoying no wonder no one likes to talk to you!"

He looked at his shoe and the ground.

"Why haven't you gone back to Olympus yet anyways?"

"I'm kinda grounded if you know what I mean. I kinda almost started the apocalypse you know!"

I looked at him and realized, he's basically a spoiled little three year old that gets no attention from his sister or his father. And since his mom is probably dead he probably is just seeking attention. I kinda felt bad for him after I realized that. But not really because he is thousands of years old and really to get his shit together.

"Apollo, you to get your shit together!"

"Excuse me!"

"You want attention I can't give it to you! You need to go flirt with a tree spirit because I'm busy trying to train to stop the apocalypse!"

I turned and started walking to my cabin. I stopped and sighed "But I guess for tonight if Clarisse says you can I'll show you this really neat accapella group I like. "

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