Chapter 3: I'm Not Riding My Little Pony

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Marcey's p.o.v.

I was having a great time till we landed.

The landing was bumpy and we were coming in fast. the next thing I knew I was face first on the ground.

I stood when I heard laughing. I turned around and glared at Jason who was laughing his ass off. I walked over to him and shoved him" if you think that's so funny why don't I shove your face in horse shit!" He stopped and pushed me back" why don't you take a joke!"

I growled" why don't you kiss my ass!" Maria pushed me away from him and said" hey hey! Calm down!" I stopped fighting with them as Leo came over. he sighed" okay Fetus can't make it much farther without rest because of all the people he's carrying. so I called in for reinforcements." I nodded

He smiled" but their going to be riding Pegasus and you guys are gonna have to ride with them. well unless your riding with Hazel." he looked around because no one said anything till Alfie said" I'm not riding no my little pony!"

I crackled up personally Ethan looked mad" don't say that around them! They'll get mad!!" I snickered and said" calm your nonexistent tits Ethan!" He glared at me and said" shut up Marcey!" I glared at him and he shut up.

Leo sighed" just deal with it okay! After we get to camp than you guys can complain!" I sighed" ugh fine lets just get ready to go." than I realized "wait we have nothing!! No spare clothes no toothbrushes and no other shoes!!" I looked around we were all in out church clothes. well my church clothes are my everyday clothes.

Leo stopped and thought for s minute" don't worry the camp has spare clothes and shoes you'll be fine." Maria made a sound close to a dying cat" but my fandom shirts!!" I laughed and Leo said" your parents can mail things if you want them too."

She calmed down and said" wait our parents are probably freaking out!!" I thought about my mom and sister and nodded" yea! My moms probably having a panic attack!!" Leo shook his head" they all knew sooner or later you guys would be sent to the camp."

I nodded and looked at Maria she looked really confused. she was about to speak when" Yo Leo! You called!" Everyone looked up to see....

A freaking squad of Pegasus! I stood back in amazement " woah." Leo nodded" awesome am I right?" We all nodded. well Alfie didn't he mumbled something about my little pony but who cares.

The group of people landed in front of us. I counted about three people on Pegasus. totally not enough for us. and than the chariot came flying in." holy-" I was really at a loss of words. the chariot was beautiful! The driver laughed and said" holy maybe but only cuz I'm driving."

The girl next to him shoved him and said" shut up Solace." the boy smiled and said" nah rather not Clarisse." I looked at them all talk as the sun set and than the boy with the black hair and sea green eyes said" come on guys we need to get moving."

Leo nodded and said" okay Marcey your with Will and Clarisse in the chariot, Jason your with um Jason I guess, and Maria your with Percy" Maria had a little fangirl moment and Leo sighed but moved on" Ethan your well I guess you can ride with Clarisse and Will and Alfie your with Reyna. alright everyone lets get going."

[ [ Authors Note ] ]

So I might get INVISIBLENINJAH to do a Maria chapter later so whoop! I hope you like the story so far!! Let's do this whoop!! Go read INVISIBLENINJAH The Prophet it stars the same characters
Peackies Boos

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