chapter 1: Marcey Fights A Bull

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Marcey's p.o.v.

Maria taps my shoulder as we land. She points to the grass all around us and says something. I couldn't hear due to my music being so loud. I take out my earbud and say" what?" She groans" we stopped in a field for Festus to rest." I nodded" okay cool."

I look around and realize I know why type of trees surround us. " no." I whisper quietly. Maria looked at me in a questioning way" Marcey." I shake my head" of course!" I say. I laughed and than I freakin say it louder" of FLIPPING COURSE!" Maria grabs my shoulders" calm down!"

I laugh hysterically" of course we have to land on their property!" Leo walks over to us and raises an eyebrow" is she okay?" I back up against a tree and slid to the ground" of course!" Maria sighs" tell us what your rambling about for Pete sake!" I smirk" well one thing this is my grandparents farm and also there's more that 45 acres of land on their property. Counting on the fact that most of it is a peach orchard and vegetation growth we are probably in the cow field and should look out for cow patties and the giant ass bull!"

Maria sighed and said" okay so where do your grandparents live?" I sighed and rubbed my temples" they live in a tiny town called Cross Plains Texas." ( yes a real place! I'm not making up places takes to much time so I looked up tiny ass towns!) Maria raised an eyebrow" it's a tiny town outside of Abline. Most people only know it if they live in it or have driven through it." Leo nodded and ran over to Caylpso and she pulled out a map and they started going over it.

I sat against the tree and rested. Man today was weird. I got to ride a dragon and I get to speak to fictional characters which I thought were fictional but actually aren't! We sat there for about 15 minutes when I heard it. The pounding of hoofs. It was going fast. I opened my eyes to see the giant bull charging at Jason.

I jumped up and ran over to Leo." Yo Leo do you have anything red?! Like a scarf?!" Leo reached into his belt and pulled out a red scarf" hmm so I do. Weird." He handed it to me and I ran over to the bill and put the red scarf in front of it. I turned and the bull followed me." Shit! Shit!" I said as the bull followed the red scarf.

I heard Caylpso yelling something but I couldn't really tell what she said. I knew I couldn't turn my back or else the bull would run me down. I looked the bull in the eyes. it looked angry.

I smirked. this was gonna be fun. the bull charged at me and I swung the scarf over the bull's head and it got really confused. I than yelled" Leo get everyone out of the bull's path and get some rope ready for me!"

I didn't hear a response but the bull was headed their way and I needed a plan. I whistled and ran at the fence separating the horse and cow pens. I jumped the fence and my horse came racing towards me.

I jumped on it and we raced forward. the horse jumped the fence and we made our way towards the bull. I saw Leo with the rope and he threw it at me. I caught the rope and made a lasso.

"This better work or I swear to god." I lassoed the horn and jumped off the horse and brought the bull to the ground I than used the other rope to tie his legs. I jumped up and yelled" time!"

Maria ran over to me and smacked me" you idiot!!" I rubbed my head where she hit me" ow that hurt kinda." Ethan was about to have a heart-attack. I smiled" Ethan you okay buddy?" He glared at me and said" if you get killed I swear I will kill you!"

I smiled and said" welcome from saving your sorry ass from that giant ass bull!" Leo smiled" well that happened lets go!" I nodded and we all headed towards the dragon.

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