Chapter 7: Camp Fire Child Claim

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Marcey's p.o.v.

I looked around the Ares cabin. it was pretty roomy. I mean I would get my own bunk and dresser. I never liked my little sister. but my older brother and I got along much better. Clarisse smiled and said" welcome to your new home."

I nodded and said" thanks for the welcoming party. but I'm kinda confused. cuz my mom isn't really the fighting type." Clarisse sat down and said" what do you mean?" I sighed" well my mom she is a teacher. well she's plenty violent. but she's s bilingual teacher in pretty sure she doesn't even know how to hunt."

Clarisse nodded" hmm seems weird." I shrugged" my grandfather was in the army and so was my uncle so I guess my mom had knowledge about it. well she did threaten multiple times that she would cut off my head and run me over with her car 4 times if I talked back to her."

Clarisse laughed" there it is. not every woman our dad chooses has to be from the military I mean I bet you mom was scary." I shivered" yea my brother was in s military training program and his teacher was terrified of my mom." Clarisse nodded" your mom sounds cool." I nodded" my mom is awesome like she let me cuss out this dude that cut us off once."

The horn for the camp fire was blown and Clarisse stood" come on. your friends might be claimed tonight." I stood and followed my new found sister.

I sat down at the camp fire and Maria and the others joined me. Chiron walked towards the camp fire and smiled" welcome new comers to Camp-Halfblood. we hope you have had a fun first day and we hope tha you join you cabins soon. but for now let's sing!"

Before we could sing Alfie started to freak out as all theses vines came out of nowhere and tried to wrap around him." ah! What the heck!! THIS IS NOT KAWAII!! NO HENTAI PLEASE!!" I facepalmed and so did a few other people.

Oh so there were otakus at Camp-Halfblood. I returned my attention to Alfie who was for some reason now surrounded by the Dionysus cabin. I nodded" hmm that kinda explains why he's so crazy." Maria nodded.

I noticed a little thing above her head it looked like a caduceus. I smiled and looked at Jay. it was the same for him. " yo Connor Travis." the twins looked out way and noticed the caduceus glowing above Jay and Maria's heads.

They smiled and started whooping and yelling soon the whole cabin had joined in. they surrounded Maria and than I noticed. she was like the only girl. Connor lifted her on to his back and said" I've never had a little sister!! This is awesome!" Travis nodded and the rest of the cabin agreed.

Ethan smiled and turned to me" so I heard that your dad is Ares." I nodded" yea it's true. Now all those threats I made do you believed I'll go through with them now?" He gulped" look I'm sorry I almost made you fall out of the chariot-" I laughed" dude its fine I was kidding."

Chiron finally got everyone to calm down and sing songs. I suggested the campfire song. Percy agreed with me. soon everyone way singing" I call this one, the campfire song song.
Let's gather 'round the campfire, and sing our campfire song.
Our -c-a-m-p-f-i-are-e- -s-o-n-g- song.
And if you don't think that we can sing it faster than you're wrong, but it'll help if you just sing alooong.
Patrick: bum, bum, buuum...
-c-a-m-p-f-i-are-e- -s-o-n-g- song.
-c-a-m-p-f-i-are-e- -s-o-n-g- song,
And if you don't think that we can sing it faster than you're wrong,
But it'll help if you just sing alooong.
-c-a-m-p-f-i-are-e- -s-o-n-g- song,
Song! -c-a-m-p-f-i-are-e-
It'll heeeelp, it'll heeeeeelp, if you just sing aloooooong!
Oooh yeah!"

I'm pretty sure Chiron was so done with us. after a few more songs he sent everyone back to their cabins to get some sleep

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