Chapter 11: party time

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Marcey's p.o.v.
[ diary entry 1]
We had been training for weeks. I was better at hand to hand combat and sword fighting. Maria was good at making bombs and pranks and stealing things. As well as Jay. Alfie got even more in the way with his new found power of making animal shaped hedges with his grape vine growing power.

We had all recently received packages from our families. my mother sent me money and clothes and shoes. she also upgraded my phone to have mobile range data since she was paying less for other things she could afford that.

Great. not that I can use it. we I can at times. if I'm sneaky. and if I show Clarisse cute vides of kittens. but don't tell anyone.

Whatever I just hope someone reads this. people told me to write everything down and it might just become a book like Percy's adventures! Yea right!

[ end of diary entry]

I sighed as I set down my diary. it was a tough day of training. I had to fight Percy and win if I wanted to eat. I somehow disarmed him and got his sword far enough away from him and got him in a corner before I was declared the winner.
That didn't matter I had 2 hours to lie down before supper. which meant internet time!

When I got on Instagram I was bombarded with pics of the White House glowing in a rainbow. and rainbow flags and parades. I finally found one with a caption and began to sob as I read it. Nico walked in, I assumed he was looking for Clarisse.

" Are you okay?" I nodded. I couldn't speak. I lowered my phone and spoke slowly" oh June 26 2015, a 5-4 vote by I'm assuming congress made Gay marriage legal in all 50 states! " I felt my voice crack as I spoke.

Nico didn't move he just looked at me. than he said" why are you crying than?" I smiled and said" because I can finally stop worrying that when I meet the woman I love that I will have to say she's only my girlfriend now I know that when the time comes I can call her my wife!"

He nodded and said" congrats." I smiled and said" oh shut up! Your happy too! I see it in your eyes! And don't say any bs about how your straight I know exactly how gay you are!" He looked really surprised. " how did you k-" " I know my people. and besides I" " you what?"

It would be really weird if I said I knew cuz I read the book where he said it." I know what it feels like to be the one person in the room who's different. you stand towards the back and don't speak up."

Clarisse walked in just than. and she looked at me and saw that I was crying and glared at Nico." what did you do?!!" I stood and said" he did nothing I'm crying because I'm extremely happy!" " Why are you happy?" " Go find my other friends and I'll tell you and them I'm not repeating myself if I do I'll cry again!"

Nico coughed" could you get Will too." I smiled" actually I say we tell the whole camp you agree Nico?" He shrugged" I guess we could" I looked at my older sister and said" pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" She laughed" fine but only cuz you seem so happy."

It was June 27th and this celebration was was past due. after Clarisse gathered the people we had asked for at first I was about to start crying again. " okay so what happened was-"

~time skip explanation~

By the time I was done speaking PerAbeth had walked over with CeyLeo ( idk the ship name but it's kinda this) and Jason and Piper as well. " so that's what happened yesterday morning!!" Maria smiled and hugged me and than turned and hugged Alfie. " you two must be so happy!"

Alfie shrugged" I guess I'm not sure if I want to be tied down!" I rolled my eyes as Annabeth looked confused." how did you find out about this?" " My mom sent me a letter telling me all about it!" Annabeth nodded" I see. well how does this affect our camp?" I sighed" Annabeth you realize their could be a lot of closet kids here at camp. you never know how could be what."

She nodded" I see. okay well they deserve to know so what do we do." " I think the Hermes cabin can help with that." I turned to Maria and said" rainbow paint bombs?" She laughed and said" easy we will have mass produced tons by the time we need them."

" I need some fabric and the Aphrodite cabin might help us with this." After we figure out who was going to convince Chiron that we could do this pride celebration we all split up.

~time skip~

" Are you sure this is big enough?" Eva asked as I stitched on the last color." yupp I'm sure this will be perfect!" I smiled as I held up the large rainbow flag. Eva clapped and said" ohhhh this is going to be so fun! You know my dad turned gay after he meet Aphrodite! I didn't know that could happen!" I nodded" me either."

She and a few other kids helped me carry the flag out of the cabin. We walked over to where the Stolls had set up. " here's the flag." the smiled at the flag as the took it and raised it on their home made flag pole.

I smiled as campers pointed to the giant rainbow flag. Percy had convinced Chiron do let us do the pride. I'm sure Aphrodite is smiling. I took some of the spare paint and offered to paint people's faces. I painted the Stolls after the smeared paint on the back of my shirt.

They received matching rainbows. I painted a rainbow on my cheek as the campers gathered. we were having a Aphrodite camper announce it as his coming out and because his mom was the Goddess of love why not!

After he announced it the paint bombs were set off and rainbow paint went everywhere. I was laughing as people freaked at first but realized it matched the flag. than people started screaming in happiness and joy! I saw Nico he was with Will. they both were covered in rainbow paint and seemed to be enjoying themselves.

I could see a few people with tears. the boy from the Aphrodite cabin was engulfed in hugs and praise about coming out. than it started raining rose petals. the Aphrodite cabin freaked as the rose petals formed into a woman next to the boy.

Than it was Aphrodite. she looked so happy." this was amazing and son" she turned to her son" I'm so happy for you." than she was gone and the party grew.

[ [ Authors note ] ]

I know this would never happen!! Let a girl dream but I'm so happy because of the new law!! It makes me want to cry for joy!! I was so happy when I heard the news!! Like overwhelmed with joy. whelp how did you feel? XDD

~ Sophy~

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