Chapter 20: Mistakes were made

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Nico and I ran towards the sound of the explosion. Hazel, Frank and Reyna behind us.

Reyna looked at Nico and I "Are you sure you two are combat ready?"

I stopped and looked over Nico. Will had told me what to look for if Nico was going to be okay or not.

Nico rolled his eyes and glared at me "Marcey come on there was a explo-"

"Nico go back to the Pluto cabin."

Nico gave me a strange look. "What? No!"

I narrowed my eyes "Nico Di'angelo! Go back to the cabin!"

He glared at me "I said no!"

I stood at my full height, slightly taller then Nico. "Do you want me to call your father?"

Nico made a confused face "What?"

"Do you want me to call your father? Do you realize how busy he is? How do you think he would feel to be interrupted on a busy work day?!"

Nico stared at me with this confused look.

"Go to the Pluto cabin now!" I pointed in the direction of the cabin.

Nico slowly turned and made his way towards the cabin.

"No shadow traveling either young man!"

Nico sadly trudged to the cabin.

The three Roman demigods stared at me.

Hazel looked at Nico who was trudging back. "How'd you do that?"

"My mother's a teacher. My title one came out."

Reyna looked at me. "Title one?"

"I'll explain later."

Reyna nodded. "I don't understand how you got Nico to listen to you but good job. You'll do well here."

I nodded and looked at Frank "So Frankie, what's the plan?"

"Oh, well first of all please don't call me Frankie."

"Sorry when I'm excited I give people really bad nicknames."

He nodded in a confused way. "Okay well let's head over towards the sound of the explosion. Hazel will go with me. Reyna with Marcey."

I nodded and offered Reyna a hand "Temporary team?"

She nodded and took my hand "Temporary team."

*Time skip brought by Kronos the Titan of time ;)*

Reyna and I went in the opposite direction of Hazel and Frank. We ran towards the demigods who saw the explosion. Thankfully no one else was getting to see the afterlife.

Reyna ran towards one of the girls. "What happened?"

The girl stood at attention when she realized who asked the question. "An demi-god was standing in the middle of the square and than all of a sudden he exploded. But for some reason he was the only one hurt. It felt like sunshine was hitting my skin."

I looked at the sun and than at the ground. "Where'd the explosion happen?"

Once we made it towards the center of the explosion we got a clear look of the demigod.

He wasn't hurt or anything but he seemed frozen. Not in ice but in time.

"If my memory stands correct which I'm sure it does."

Reyna chuckled.

I raised an eyebrow "What?"

"Nothing. Its just you sounded like a child of Athena."

I sighed. I spent too much time around Annabeth.

"Back to my point. I once heard of a Greek god named Kronos. He wasn't the Titan but he was the replacement god who controled time. And if he's helping his Titan counter part regain physical form. Then we have major trouble."

Reyna looked at the demigod and her eyes went wide.

She stepped forward and almost touched the frozen demigod.

I grabbed her hand right before she made contact. "Don't. This spell could transfer over to you. Which is what I'm sure what they wanted to happen."

Reyna nodded and I let her hand go. She let it fall to her side.

"Do you know him?"

She nodded "He is my brother. On the godly side."

I nodded. I had mixed emotions the first time I met my got brothers and sisters. But now, I'd die to protect them. And the camps.

"What's his name?"


I nodded "We need to mark off the area, and no one is allowed to touch him. It could be dangerous."

Reyna nodded "Hazel and Frank will need to be told about this."

I nodded but something was bothering me.

"Kronos needs a demigod, and he is going to use that demigod as a replacement for his body."

Reyna's eyes got wide "You don't think?"

"If Carlos is compatible with Kronos than this is bad. We need to figure out a way to free him."

I looked around "I have a theory to try out if you'll let me."

Reyna nodded slowly"What are you going to do?"

"Throw stuff at him. If that spell is to protect him then it will help us to figure out how it works."

Reyna shook her head "You're not just going to throw stuff at him!"

"Not anything that dangerous! Like a rock or something."

Reyna rolled her eyes "I guess that's fine."

I looked around and found a reasonably sized rock. I picked it up and tossed it up and down.

I took one more look at Reyna and she sighed and nodded.

I pitched the rock at the demigod.

When it hit the spell it sorta froze in midair. And then it launched back at me.

I felt my eyes widen as I dropped to the ground. "Shit!"

The rock flew over me and slammed into a building and got stuck in the wall.

I stood slowly "Okay so mistakes were made. Many mistakes were made."

I looked over at Reyna. Her had was over her eyes and she was shaking her head.

I shrugged "Well I proved my theory right."

She sighed "What exactly was your theory?"

"Oh well any attack towards the person in the spell would be amplified and sent back at the attacker."

Reyna looked up and then looked at the frozen demigod and the rock stuck in the wall. "Okay now what do we do with that information?"

I shrugged "Find whoever cast the spell and I guess get them to undo the spell or just like kill them?"

Reyna gave me a questioning look "I don't believe that's how that works."

I looked at the frozen demigod "Well let's hope for Carlos that it's simple like that."

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