Chapter 22: We Are Number One memes save the day

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After what felt like years ( it was like two months I swear) Nico and I were finally back at Camp-Half blood.

Some new kids arrived at the camp and well they seemed to be doing well.

Alex had been sent on a quest, and still wasn't back. The Aphrodite kids had begun to worry about their little sibling when they received the worst news they thought possible.

They had sent a group of Ares kids to find her since I had been away. Nico and I had managed to get back to the camp in time, to see them bringing back her body.

I felt time freeze as the group walked pass me with her. Nico put a hand on my shoulder and just stood there unable to say anything.

I looked down at the ground and grit my teeth. "How, how could this have happened?! There was no reason for her to die!" My voice broke as I yelled.

The Aphrodite kids spotted me and all ran over to try to comfort me. I suddenly stood and marched towards the cave Rachel Elizabeth Dare had called home while staying at Camp-Half blood.

And ever since Reyna had started training me my expression while marching had turned to something fierce and terrifying. Everyone who came between me and my destination immediately moved from my path.

I passed Clarisse and didn't even give her a second look as she called my name.

I stalked to the cave, I parted the curtain in the entrance only to be greeted by Apollo's face.

He smiled, and I glared at him "Where is she?"

He frowned "Marcey what's the matter?"

I punched the cave wall next to me, pieced of paint flaking off. "What's wrong?" I spit at him. "Alex is dead, and I want to know why, what quest could have possibly been so important that she had to die for it!"

"She shouldn't have died, that you are right about."

I turned to see Rachel Elizabeth Dare standing behind me. I looked her in the eye "What was her quest?"

Red sighed "She was told to go out and find a way to bring together demi-gods who aren't already at either of the camps." She looked at the ground her hair blocking her eyes "She shouldn't have been in any danger, she was with a few demi-gods from the Roman camp."

"Names, I want names."

"Arthur Marion, Liz Berth and Michael Heena."

I felt my stomach twist and I looked at Apollo "What?"

"Those are their names."

I shook my head "That's not possible, all of those kids are frozen in time at the Roman Camp."

Apollo stood "Three more kids froze?"

"Shit, I need to tell Frank and Reyna!" I turned and ran out of the cave. I ran all the way to the Hermes Cabin.

I skid to a stop in front of the door. "Connor, Travis I need some help from your dad!"

The Stolls looked at me "Like he ever talks to us!"

I sighed "Lives are at stake, it's important."

The Stolls looked at me "What do you have to offer us?"

I pulled out my phone "Latest memes, you get to have my phone for a month. If you get me in contact with your dad."

The Stolls suddenly stood and Travis pushed me back "We'll call you when he gets here, and then we want the phone."

I sighed "I know." I turned around and trudged to the Ares Cabin, my aura from when I was marching completely gone.

I walked into the Ares cabin and it filled with silence.

One of my brothers who had been sent to get Alex,Thomas stood "Marcey I'm sor--"

I stopped him "There was probably nothing you could have done. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to go for a run to take my mind off things."

Thomas nodded as I dropped my stuff on my bunk and walked out of the cabin. As soon as I was out of the door I sprinted as fast as I could, to no direction in general, just running.

I ran ignoring the tears in my eyes. I tripped and got back up ignoring any pain I had. All I could do was run. But eventually running wasn't enough.

I came upon the river that we used as the barrier in my first game at Camp-Half Blood. I fell to my hands and knees, and wept.

I felt angry sad and confused all at the same time. Maybe this was supposed to happen maybe it wasn't. But what matter is it did happen. And there was no changing it.

I forced myself to stand and look at the sky. I wiped the tears from my face and looked at the ring my father had give me.

On it was a phrase, in some language but I wasn't sure which. It changed every time but it always said something similar. Something profound and extensively poetic about life.

Today it read Natura nihil frustra facit. Which means Nature does nothing in vain.

I looked at the sky again and sighed and nodded. "I don't know why she had to die, or what point it proved. But by her death I will become a better and stronger person. And I promise to get back at whoever hurt Alex. I swear by the river Styx!"

"Are you sure you wanna do that?"

My sword was already out and pointed at the speakers throat.

The man put his hands up and he laughed "You really are a child of Ares." He held his hand out to me "Hermes at your service!"

I sighed and lowered my sword and turned it back into a ring and took his hand. "I apologize I thought I was alone."

He looked around the area. "Well you aren't really alone."

I rolled my eyes "Yeah, seems like I never am."

He chuckled "My sons told me you needed something from me, said it's life or death."

I gasped "Yes! I need you to get a message to the Roman camp!"

He made a face "What's going on that you need to tell the Roman Camp?"

"The spell that has been trapping people in time isn't what we thought it was. It's taking them and leaving behind a after image. Or someone or something is using these demi-gods identities!" I thought for a moment "Also as a form of payment I'll find a way to send you We Are Number One memes."

Hermes nodded "Alright I'll tell them as soon as I can."

I honestly didn't think it would work.

He looked at the sky "Also, you should rethink your oath sometimes we make promises we can't keep."

I felt my hand turn to a fist "Believe me, it isn't an empty promise."

He nodded and patted me on the head "Well, good luck kiddo." He turned to leave "By the way your dad says hi."

And with that he disappeared just as quickly as he appeared. I looked out at the setting sun and decided to head back. Right as I did lightening flickered in the sky and thunder sounded sealing my oath.

I nodded and headed back towards the camp. I had a war to prepare for. Whether I wanted to or not, everything was falling into place just as the fates had predicted it.

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