Chapter 5: Camp Half-Blood

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Marcey's p.o.v.

" So have any idea who your godly parent is?" Clarisse asked.

I nodded" yea my dad. He left when when turned 2. I'm pretty sure my sister and I have different dad's though." Clarisse nodded and so did Will. Will said" you'll probably be claimed soon. Now that we know about the minor gods kids you'll probably only spend about a week in the Hermes cabin."

I shrugged" whatever. I'm fine with that I guess." All of a sudden we took a sharp turn and I heard Ethan squeak. And than all of a sudden I was being choked. Clarisse yelled" Will! Do something!" He nodded as I was losing air. He pulled me into the chariot closer o the front. Therefore bring Ethan back into the chariot.

After that we landed. Ethan jumped out of the chariot and kissed the ground. I was pissed. I walked over to him and stepped on his back so he was forced to lay on the grass." Um Marcey!?" I growled" what were you thinking you jackass?! You almost killed me to save your own hide! After I fought a bull and saved your sorry ass!"

He whimper and I saw Maria out of the corner of my eye running over to me. She shoved me off of Ethan and held me back." Whatever he did it's not worth killing him over!" I scoffed and said" as I'd I would waste my time killing this prick! And beside I'm already wanted for murder in three states might as well not tip off the cops!" Ethan laughed nervously" haha nice joke Marcey!"

I smirked" who said I was joking." He gulped and Alfie walked over and said" okay okay everyone calm down. Let's all remember what would the great alpaca think if he saw us fighting!" I looked at him." What the hell Alfie?!" He smiled and said" see we already stopped fighting the great alpaca is pleased!"

Jason walked over and raised an eyebrow. I scoffed" did you take your meds today Alfie?" Alfie stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same. Clarisse walked over to us and said" come on guys let's get out of these fields." I nodded and said" sure."

We followed the older kids into the camp. We were all amazed. " holy crapola" Percy looked amused by my choice of words. The camp was full of energy and everyone looked friendly. A few campers waved at the older kids. Two girls and a boy came running over at the sight of Percy and Jason. Not our Jason the other Jason.

I looked at the two Jason's and said" hey Jason." They both turned to face me. I sighed" the one who is related to Maria." The other Jason nodded and turned back to talking with Leo. I pointed at the Jason from my group" okay from now on your gonna be Jay. You good with that?" He nodded and said" sure I guess." They rest of the group nodded in agreement.

There was a squeal as the girl got closer to us. The darker of the two girls ran towards Leo and tackled him in a hug. I nodded and elbowed Maria" must be Piper. And the blonde must be Annabeth. I bet five bucks that dude is Nico freaking De Angelo." She nodded in a agreement.

The boy made his way towards us along with the blonde. The blonde walked towards us and Percy. She smiled and said" welcome to Camp Half-blood guys. I'm Annabeth." She elbowed the boy he looked up and nodded" I'm Nico." I elbowed Maria and she sighed" I'll pay you when I can gosh I don't have any cash on me." Nico raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

I smiled and said" I'm Marcey!" I pointed to Ethan and Jay and said" the African-American one is Ethan and the blonde is Jay." Alfie threw a pinecone at me and I said" and that is Alfie." Maria elbowed me" this is Maria." I elbowed her back she shoved me. Alfie threw pinecones at both of us. Percy chuckled at that. I sighed." Really Alfie what is it you need?" He smiled" candy!" I rolled my eyes" would you stop acting like a freaking five year old for five minutes?!"

He than threw another pinecone at me. Annabeth giggled and said" here follow us we'll show you where you'll be staying till your parent claims you." Maria and I nodded and followed. Ethan caught up to Percy and asked him" Um Percy have you seen my brother recently?" Percy said" who's your brother?" Ethan sighed" Grover! Grover is my brother!" Percy said" oh yea he's in a meeting with the council." Ethan began to freak out at that point." Uh oh not good! What if it's a meeting about how late I was?! Or how I put them in too much danger with the bull or-" Percy looked confused at the bull part.

I stopped and grabbed Ethan's shoulders and shook him." Stop freaking out! You did the best you could and you brought in four demigods unharmed! If you get anything but rewarded I will personally blow something up in protest!" He seemed to calm down but he was still edgy as we walked towards the Hermes cabin.

Two boys walk over and smile." yo welcome to the Hermes cabin." one said" I'm Connor" the other said" I'm Travis" I smiled and I was about to introduced myself when" Ethan!" We all turned to see a saytr running towards our group.

Ethan almost fainted." Grover what are you doing?!?" Grover hugged him and said" dude look at this! You've brought them in without harm!" Ethan was still kinda groggy. I sighed" um sir Grover I think your choking him." he let go of Grover and said" oh whoops." he turned to us and said" hey I'm Grover Ethan's older brother. nice to meet you guys."

I smiled" pleasure to meet the new Pan." Grover looked surprised" wow how'd you know that?" I looked at Maria and she smiled" we have our ways!"

Connor and Travis coughed and Grover said" I better let you guys settle in come on Ethan." Ethan went with Grover unwillingly.

Connor smirked" welcome to the Hermes cabin guys make yourself at home." we walked in to chaos. I looked around, it was worse than a freaking daycare. Maria and Jay looked perfectly normal in the cabin. when Alfie saw all the candy he looked happy.

It was gonna be a long night.

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