Chapter 9: The Mockingjay

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Marcey's p.o.v.

It was raining hard around the camp. some of the campers were worried it would flood. I wonder what crazy idea the Hermes cabin would get to have fun in the rain.

I was walking around with Maria and Ethan when all of a sudden the hair of the back of my neck stood. I jump sideways when a bolt of lightning hit the spot I used to be in. my eyes went wide.

Maria looked at me" Marcey what was that?!?" I shrugged and than I looked up the sky. it was filled with lighting. I gulped when I realized it was gathering around the camp.

" Uh Ethan is that normal?" He looked at the sky and shook his head" not at all!!" I sighed than smiled" WHOOPDIE FUCKING DO!!" Maria screamed when a bolt almost hit her.

" You guys need to like move away from this area!! Why are you still here?" They were about to respond when lighting stuck right next to me. I almost screamed. I started running, Maria and Ethan following me.

" Marcey?! What is happening?!?" I shrugged" I have not idea actually." thunder filled the skies. I felt lighting hit the ground right behind my feet. I heard other campers scream. Maria screamed when lighting hit a cabin.

I need something to attract it off it course. I saw a shield laying on it side, I ran towards it and took off my jacket and wrapped it around the place where's you hold it. there was a flash. I could feel the electricity flowing around me.

Another flash more electricity. I could see Maria's hair standing on end from behind my shield. she looked terrified. there was another flash and all the electricity disappeared. I fell to my knees. Maria ran over and shook me" what the hell was that?!?"

I chuckled" 4th grade science is what that was. electricity it attracted to metal but can be defused by a certain fabric." She looked really worried than I realized I was laying on the ground" when did I get on the ground." Maria's eyes went wide" Marcey! Marcey keep your eyes open!"

I felt my eyes closing slowly. the last thing I saw was another flash and I heard Maria scream and than darkness.


I woke up and I couldn't see. someone took my glasses. interesting. all of a sudden a face appeared in front of mine. it was accompanied by a frame of blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I pushed the face away" Will get out of my face man personal space is a must even if you are a doctor or whatever."

The face laughed and said" so he does look like a me." I sat up and said" wait your not Will?!?" The face shook it's head" nope." my eyes went wide" I am so sorry!! Apollo is it?! Listen we got off on the wrong foot man. let me explain-"

He laughed" no need to. I know your eyesight is very bad. there's a reason for that. all heroes need a weakness." I raised an eyebrow" weakness? Hero?" He nodded and handed me my glasses" there now you can see." I gasped when I saw him. he smirked" I know what your thinking. I'm beautiful I know. most people take one look at me and fall in love."

I scoffed" in your dreams big guy." I stood and dusted off my pants" thanks for the whole narcissistic chat about you but I'm sure my friends think I'm in a coma so I need to get going." he stood and he had a horrified look on his face" narcissistic?!? I am not narcissistic!!"

I smirked" says the one with the ego of the sun. yea I gotta go before I piss off another god. so byeee!" I ran out of the medical cabin and was greeted by a bone crushing hug. " I can't breathe!!" My assailant released me and said" sorry Marcey the whole cabin was worried! We thought you were dead what happened?!?"

I shrugged" I got hit by lightning protecting Maria from getting hit by it." she nodded" what else?!?" I thought" oh 4th grade science!! I used a metal to attract the lighting and my Cotten jacket to stop the charge."

Clarisse looked behind me and gasped. I turned around to see Apollo nodding" interesting. really my father will want to know of this." I chuckled uneasily" heh really I'm sure he has more important things to do and deal with me. I mean I was just improvising."

Apollo nodded" that's exactly why he'll want to see you." He snapped and all of a sudden I was in a throne room. I laughed nervously. " heh nice joke guys!! Come on Will I know that was you dude!! I get it guys don't do stupid stuff at camp anymore. guys?"

I looked around the room. it was like made for giants. I sighed,great I pissed off not only one God but probably 12. " ain't that just perfect!!" " What's perfect?" I screamed and turned around to see a 12 year old girl. " where did you come from?!?"

She pointed towards the door" just walked in. so what are you here for?" I stood up straight" not sure I probably made some big man mad. well I did get hit by a bolt of lightning." her eyes when wide" wait you got hit by lightning and are still alive?!?"

I shrugged" yea I guess. 4th grade science helps with those things." she nodded and said" I'm Artemis by the way!" I nodded" oh okay than." than I realized what had just happened" OH MY SHIT!! I am so sorry should I like bow or something I'm not sure I'm new to this I am like so sorry!"

She laughed" no it's okay really. but you might want to keep the cursing to a low my father doesn't like sailors." I nodded" okay so basically no swearing and butt kissing will keep me alive right?!?" She shrugged" works for some." I nodded" okay I'm dead."

There was flash of lightning and a clap of thunder and Artemis was no longer by my side. I turned back around to face the thrones. all 12 were filled. I nodded but didn't speak.

Alright I can do this just keep your mouth shut and you'll live. but no my mouth had other plans." heard any good jokes lately?" I facepalmed, just great. I'm going to die. " this is no time for jokes!" A voice boomed.

I stood unaffected by the loud volume. I nodded" nice stereo system where'd you get it?" I looked to see unamused faces. I laughed" well I'll just excuse myself this is kinda awkward!" I started to make my way towards the door.

" Do not move!" I turned around" well if you say so." the electricity in the room grew and I could feel the hair on my neck prickle. I jumped to the side as lightning hit the place where I had stood. " holy hell." " Stand demigod." I stood and dusted off my pants.

I looked at all of them. personally I was pissed off, and I didn't care who knew." alright! Listen here you better tell me why the holy hell in here or I will walk out that damn door!" I glared at Zeus. he glared back. I felt the bolt of lightning hit right next to me and I didn't move.

I heard laughter. both Zeus and I turned to see who it was. it was Ares. " kids got guts! this one is definitely mine." Athena sighed" yes Ares we have heard you say that at least 7 times today." I rolled my eyes and said" if you guys could tell me what I did so I can get on with my day that would be so helpful."

Zeus raised his master bolt and said" the child is right we must discuss what we brought her here to!" Thank you. I'm guess I had a sarcastic look to my face because Hera said" wipe that look of your fave child." I growled" hey your not my mom! And I'm only here because your husband brought me here so suck it if you need a straw I'll give you one!"

I heard a few of the gods laugh. Hera wasn't one of them." well your mother should have taught you respect!" that's when I got really mad. " respect! You should be taught respect all you do is shit on people's lives and your telling me to learn respect! Well I'm sorry my mom was a single parent with no help in raising her three children!"

All the gods remained silent. " now if you could just fucking tell me why I'm here I'll be out of your nappy ass hair and be on my way!!" Hera screeched" you disrespectful heathen!" I nodded and waved it off" yea yea whatever."

Athena sighed" were bought you here to tell you that you are a very important Demigod." I shrugged" aren't we kinda all important?" She nodded" but you, you are special Marcey." i laughed" yea special. well great care to share how I'm special?"

Hephaestus began to speak" you were built out of marble finer then china. you were handed crafted by myself. your father is Ares but truly I am your father." " you mean kinda like Pandora?" He nodded" you are the new Pandora but we added something else to the mix a life before your quest. a reason to never fail."

" What quest?!?" Zeus spoke this time" a quest to end Kronos' attempts to conquer earth for all of time."

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