Chapter 11

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Galinda's POV

I slammed the door as I saw Elphaba and Fiyero leave. I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY WOULD DO THIS TO ME!!! I didn't know where they were going and I didn't care anymore! I ran to my bed and cried in my pillow, I cried for a long time. I thought Elphaba was my best friend and I thought Fiyero was my boyfriend.... but I guess not, I was cheated and lied to!

"You're perfect." "You are perfect." "So we're perfect together, born to be forever!" Perfect together my ass! I don't know what to do anymore, I mean, I lost my boyfriend and my best friend on the same day!

I put my face in my pillow again, screamed at the top of my lungs, then cried myself to sleep.

Elphaba's POV

Oh my Oz, I feel terrible. I should have stopped seeing Fiyero before Galinda found out. But how could I? I mean.... look at him, his sapphire eyes are stunning, his smile is breath taking, and.... ugh! What have I gotten myself into? Yes, I am glad that I'm with Fiyero but I just wish that I wasn't seeing him at the time Galinda was. Sweet Oz, I feel so.... so..... WICKED.

"Elphaba!" the sound of Fiyero's voice made me snap back into reality.

"I-I'm sorry, Fiyero, I got lost in thought. Now, what were you saying?" I asked. We had already been walking for about half an hour to get to a place called Kiamo Ko where Fiyero claimed his family owned a castle; however, it'll take us a few days to get there considering we're coming from Shiz.

"I was just asking if you were alright.... after all that just happened."

"Y-yeah.... I'm fine," I lied with the last part sounding like a sort of whisper. However, I felt terrible at the thought of the pain that I put Galinda through, she didn't deserve any of this but I didn't say that... I just kept walking, wanting desperately to turn back, go back to Shiz, and somehow apologize to Galinda but she probably hates me now.

A few minutes later, Fiyero and I found a small motel to stay at for the night. Fiyero was already in bed while I was searching through my bag for a book or something to help me settle down and get ready for bed. Somehow, I pulled out the pink flower that Galinda had once given to me and just stared at it. "Pink goes good with green!" That exact same quote Galinda had said to me the night of the Ozdust continued to ring through my mind.

What kind of a friend am I? I thought. I love Fiyero, I admit it, but he is, well was, dating Galinda... and it was terrible for me to do that to a friend.... even if we still loathed each other it still wouldn't have been right for me to do that. Unfortunately, I had already done all this crap to her, it's in the past and I can't change the past..... or so I thought...

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