Chapter 16

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When I got back from Fiyero's dorm, it was around midnight but Galinda was still up and had apparently been waiting for me to get back all night. When she asked where I was, I told her I had a last minute sorcery seminar with Madame Morrible.

Almost immediately after, Galinda started asking so many questions about 'Ferno'. It made me regret walking in so quickly earlier.

"So when did you two meet?"

"First day he transferred here."

"Was it love at first sight?"

"Well... we-"

"Wait, do you love him?"

"I, um..." I felt my face get warm.

"You do! You're blushing!"

"Enough with the third degree, Galinda. I have to study." I grabbed my bag then took out my history and sorcery books so I could study.

"Boooorrrrrriiiinnnnngg!" She commented before grabbing a magazine from the desk and glancing through that instead. "Now this is much better."

I rolled my eyes and kept studying.


"So show me who this Ferno guy is, Elphie. I wanna meet him!" Galinda said as we were walking to our first class.

"I don't know, Galinda," I responded. "He's not-"

"Elphaba, I need to talk to you," Fiyero said coming up from behind me and grabbing my arm.

"O-ok... Galinda, tell Doctor Dillamond I might be late for class," I said before following Fiyero.

He ended up pulling me into the janitor's closet. "I hate doing this, Elphaba."

Elphaba? I had gotten so used to him calling me Fae, it felt strange when he called me by my actual name.

"W-what are you saying?" I asked.

"I'm saying I can't keep doing this. I can't keep bringing you to private areas just so I could do this." He kissed me.

When he pulled away, I had tears in my eyes, "Yero, I can't lose you."

"I don't want to lose you either but I can't stand keeping our love private."

"I know, I hate it too. I can't stand seeing every girl surround you, begging for and practically fighting to get your individual attention when all I can do is watch from afar."

"And I hate seeing you and not being able to pull you into my arms."

I sighed, "This was so much easier when I wasn't worried about hurting Galinda."

"She's going to find out eventually and then be even more upset because you didn't tell her."

"I'll find a way to tell her, I promise," I said as he kissed my neck.

"Good," he hummed then pulled away. "Now, come on, we're going to be late for class."

"Wait a minute," I smirked. "Is the Fiyero Tiggular, Prince of the Vinkus who never once gave a care in the world about anything except dancing-"

"And you," he cut in.

I felt my face get hot but I brushed it off and continued with what I was saying, "especially not caring about school actually worried that we may be a few minutes late to class?"

"And is the Elphaba Thropp, the book worm who cares deeply about her education and studies so hard actually not caring if we don't get to class on time?" He asked returning the smirk.

"Touché," I said rolling my eyes.

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "Come on, let's go," he said taking my hand and walking to class with me.

Neither one of us thought twice about holding hands in the middle of campus. Not even when we got stares and laughs from other students did we pull our hands away. Nope. Instead we walked straight to class with our hands together and our fingers entwined. Unfortunately, we forgot Galinda was in the same class...

Luckily, she wasn't paying attention to us, she was talking to that Gilikinese boy she was talking to us about yesterday.

We saw the popular girls in the far corner. Like always, they had saved a seat for Fiyero and tried to wave him over, smiling flirtatiously at him. Instead, Fiyero pulled me to two other seats that were right next to each other. He grabbed the legs of my seat and the girls in the corner laughed and giggled thinking he was going to tip my chair over. "Do it!" I heard one shout. He ignored them and pulled the chair along with me closer to him. I smiled and leaned my head on this shoulder. He kissed it softly and I heard the girls scoff then go back to their conversations.

"I love you," he whispered against my hair.

My heart stopped. "W-what?" I asked lifting my head up and looking up at him.

"I said I love you, Fae," he smiled. "And I mean it."

He had told me that he loved me before just not in a public setting like this one. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I didn't want him to think I didn't love him back because I did, I really did. I just couldn't admit it out loud yet for some reason, regardless how much I wanted to, regardless how much I wanted him to know that I loved him. Instead, I just kissed him gently which I hope was a good enough alternate... at least for now.

We kept the kiss going all the way until class started and Doctor Dillamond tapped on the blackboard with his ruler. I pulled away as quickly as I could but not before Fiyero gently bit my bottom lip. That action alone made my face heat up. He had never done that to me before but the fact that he did made me want to kiss him some more.

Taking notice, Fiyero took my hand and squeezed it. "You're the first person I have ever done that to by the way," he whispered.

If you think that calmed me down, you'd be far from wrong. In fact, that statement caused my face to burn up even more.

Fiyero chuckled at this and kissed my cheek when Doctor Dillamond wasn't looking. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down and listen to the lecture which, as you can imagine, was not easy but I managed... kind of...

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