Chapter 5

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Galinda's POV

"It's time, it's time, it's time!" I squealed to my dearest friends, Pfanee and ShenShen.

"You look amazing," Pfanee said while admiring my beautiful pink dress.

I turn my head and see someone standing in the corner waiting for someone. "It's Fiyero," I gasped. "It's time for my dance with him!" I walked over to him, but it wasn't Fiyero, it was Biq, that small munchkin boy who's had a crush on me since day one.

"Miss. Galinda," he exclaimed, "you look stunning!"

"Thank you, Biq, but I already knew that."

He said something else, I think it had something to do with his name, but I didn't pay attention, I was trying to look for Fiyero. "Yeah uhhh," I said, still searching for Fiyero, "listen, Biq, do you know where Fiyero is?"

"No, Miss. Ga-"

"Oh there he is!" I squealed waving to Fiyero. "Good luck with Nessarose, Biq."

I ran to Fiyero and he held out his hand and I grabbed it. "Ready?" He asked.

"Ye-" I nearly squealed but I caught myself, "I mean, of course."

We both smiled as we walked into The Oz Dust Ballroom together. I'm dancing with Fiyero Tiggular, oh my Oz, oh my Oz, oh my Oz!!!

As we were dancing, Madame Morrible, the head mistress at Shiz, suprised me with my very own training wand! When I tried to thank her she suprised me even more when she said, "Don't thank me, this was your roommate's idea."

"What? Elphaba?" I asked, shocked.

"She demanded I tell you this very night or she'd quit the seminar."

"I don't believe it," I said staring at my new wand.

"Neither do I," Madame Morrible commented, "my personal opinion is you don't have what it takes, I hope you prove me wrong, I dought you will." Right after she said that, she exited the ballroom.

"What is it?" Fiyero asked.

"I got what I wanted," I said, still shocked that Elphaba would want me to have this wand.

"Then what's the matter?"


"Good. Let's dance." And so we did.

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