Chapter 15

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When we got to my dorm room, Fiyero pulled me over to him and looked me in the eyes, "If anyone's ever cruel to you or harms you in any way, you tell me, ok? I'll take care of it."

I nodded and blushed gently at how protective he already was of me, "Ok."

He kissed me gently, "Can I see you again tonight after my last class?"

I hesitated. We couldn't see each other here, Galinda was still here. "Not here," I answered. "Galinda's yet to leave the room and she's your ex girlfriend... I don't want her to know about us just yet."

"Why? Do you not want to be seen with me?" He teased.

"No, that's not it, it's just I don't want Galinda heart broken because you two just broke up yesterday and now you're with me."

"But I want to see you tonight," he pleaded.

"Ok, but... um... we'll go to -"

"My dorm."


"We'll go to my dorm. I don't have a roommate so we can do whatever we want wherever we want."

I cocked an eyebrow.

"Not like that, Fae. I meant we won't be bothered by anyone."


"Yeah. That's my new nickname for you," he smiled proudly.

I felt my face get hot, "I... I like it."

He kissed my cheek, "I'll meet you at the park at around eight and I'll take you to my dorm from there."

"Ok," I smiled. "I'll just tell Galinda I'm at the library or something."

He nodded then kissed me one last time before leaving. Damn that boy can kiss!

I walked into my dorm not realizing how dark my face had gotten.

"Elphie, are you alright?" Galinda asked when she saw me.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Are you blushing?" She giggled.


"You are!"

"Galinda, hush."

"Has Elphie been talking to her special someone?"

"No, Galinda."

"Yes, you were! You're blushing even harder now! Who is it?"

"No one."


"No one!"


"It's Avaric, ok?"



"Avaric? Really?"

No, no, no, no! Sweet Oz, why the hell did I say Avaric? Saying Boq could have been better than saying Avaric! I knew I couldn't have said Fiyero but Avaric!? He's the worst person I could have possibly said! Ok, Elphaba, just try to patch it up.

"Well, er, it's actually one of Avaric's best friends." They used to be.


"F- er... no... Ferno..." Really, Elphaba? What kind of a name is Ferno?

"Ferno? I haven't heard about him."

"He's new. An exchanged student." Not a total lie...

"Oh... ok! Good luck, Elphie," she winked.


An hour later, Galinda and I went to the on campus cafe to get a snack. Little did I know, Fiyero would be there. Several girls were surrounding him but when he saw me at the table, he smiled and walked over.

"Fiyero..." Galinda said.

He looked at her surprised, "Galinda... I... I didn't expect to see you here... How are you feeling?"

"Ok..." she grinned slightly.

"Good," he smiled awkwardly then looked at me. "May I sit?"

"Of course," I nodded.

He pulled up a seat and sat beside me, placing his hand on my thigh under the table.

It was quiet for a moment until Galinda finally spoke up, "So, Fiyero, did you hear about Elphaba's new boyfriend?"

My face went hot immediately.

"New boyfriend?" He asked gently squeezing my thigh.

"Yeah, I think she said he was an exchanged student named... Ferno. Is that right, Elphie?"

"Um... I..." I cleared my throat. "Y-yeah."

"I don't think I've heard of him," Fiyero smirked looking at me.

"According to Elphie, he's the sweetest, most romantic man in Oz," Galinda said. "Apparently he's a 'phenomenal' kisser too."

"Is that right?" Fiyero chuckled. "Well, he sounds like an interesting man. I'd like to meet him someday. He's very lucky to have you, Elphaba."

My face was on fire. "Th-thanks."

Galinda giggled then stood up after finishing her muffin. "Well, I best be going. I missed most of the day but my final class has this really cute Gilikinese boy in there so I'll see you two later!" Without another word, she left to her final class.

"So my name is Ferno now?" Fiyero asked.

"Well, I couldn't tell her that it was you I'm with," I answered.

"How'd she find out about you dating anyone anyway?"

"Because after you kissed me, I apparently walked in blushing. When she asked me for a name, I-"

He cut me off by kissing me passionately. Time always seemed to freeze when he kissed me and nothing mattered but the two of us. It felt like the whole world disappeared around us. But when one of us pulled away, the world reappeared and time continued to tick by.

He caressed my cheek and looked into my eyes. I smiled, "You know... when I was telling Galinda that my boyfriend was a phenomenal kisser... that was an understatement."

He chuckled and I think I even saw his face tint a slight pink shade. I giggled at the rare sight and decided to tease him a bit, "Is the Fiyero Tiggular, Prince of the Vinkus actually blushing?"

He laughed, "Oh, please, Fae, you should have seen yourself when Galinda was saying what you told her about me."

I felt my face start to heat up again and I quickly looked down in embarrassment.

He lifted my chin up with his finger, "But, I must say, my darling Fae, that it pleases me to know that I am the only one to have that affect on you. Just the mention of me seems to have at least the slightest affect."

As much as I hate to admit it sometimes, he's right. Just the thought of him could make me smile. The mention of him could make me erupt into giggles. The sight of him makes my heart race. I hear the sweet sound of his voice and my heart stops. This boy can make me feel things I never thought I would or could ever feel.

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