Chapter 7

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Elphaba's POV

Oh my Oz, I can't believe I'm here at my first party, I'm so nervous.  W-why is everyone staring at me? Do I still have something in my teeth!? Ugh, just ignore them, Elphaba, act like you don't care what anybody else thinks... and dance. And so I did, I danced like I didn't notice anyone was staring. About 2 minutes later Galinda cut in dancing her own dance. I quickly learned her dance and soon started dancing along with her. Then, as quickly as I learned Galinda's dance, I noticed Fiyero smile while watching me dance and my heart began to race but I tried to keep the feeling of love hidden.

After the party, Galinda thought, since we where now friends, that it would be a good idea to try and make me popular. Sweet Oz, I thought, what have I gotten myself into? "You really don't have to do that," I told her.

"I know," she responded while grinning, "that's what makes me so nice."

Good luck getting out of this now, Elphaba.

That whole night, she tried teaching me how to toss my hair, which, I'm guessing, I was terrible at, then she tried to turn my plain old frock into a beautiful ball gown, which backfired and it's still my regular blue frock, finally she put her pink flower clip in my hair and nodded while saying, "Yup, pink goes good with green."

After all her popular teachings, she handed me a mirror then said, "Why, Ms. Elphaba, look at you... you're beautiful."

I looked in the mirror and realized how different and popular I  looked. "I... I have to go." I quickly gave her back the mirror and ran out of our room towards the library.

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