Chapter 6

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Nessa's POV

I cannot believe I'm here at my first party and it's with ♥Boq♥ and we're dancing!!! But a little while later, I continuously saw Boq looking over at Galinda.

"Ummm... Boq?" I asked while we were dancing.

"Yes, Nessa?"

"Do you really think I'm beautiful or... were you just saying that?"

"Oh, Nessa," he smiles, "of course... I think you're beautiful."

I smile back. We deserve each other, I sang in my head. This is truly our chance, I thought, and we deserve each other me and Boq!

Just then my sister, Elphaba, enters the ballroom. Now, before I go on, I just want to make one thing clear, my sister is... the beautifully tragic one in our family... and by that I mean she's... well... green but I still love her and look up to her (literally). Anyway, Elphaba walks in wearing her plain blue frock and this black pointed hat. I wonder what that hat is about.

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