Chapter 13

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A few hours before midnight, I heard Galinda calling me but I didn't want to come down, I was still depressed. "Elphie!" She called.

I sighed as I climbed out of the tree. "What?" I asked trying not to let Galinda see my burned cheeks made by tears.

"Elphie, I've been looking for you everywhere," she said.

"Why," I sighed, "it's not like I matter to anybody?"

"You matter to me, Elphaba. Anyway, I wanted to tell you something."


"Fiyero and I broke up."

"Wait, what?"

"We broke up," she repeated.

"W-why? What happened?"

"Well," she sighed, "when we kissed that last time, I... I didn't feel anything, it was just like a simple kiss that felt like it didn't mean anything. A few hours afterwards, he came to have a 'talk' that's when I knew it was over between us. I mean, I was eventually going to end it if he hadn't but," she heaved another sigh, "I don't know, I guess I just didn't want it to end so quickly."

I hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry, Galinda."

"Don't be, I'm not really that upset... honest. I was at first, but I'm fine now. I think he's in love with another girl though."

My heart stopped. "H-he's what?"

"He's in love with someone else. I could see it in his eyes."


After we went to bed and Galinda fell asleep, I stayed up, looking at the ceiling, thinking about what Galinda had said.

He's in love with someone else.

But who could this someone else be? Could it be me? Of course it's not you, you idiot, I thought. If he has already dated several beautiful girls, what makes you think that he loves you; the one they call 'The Artichoke'? Look at your skin, Elphaba, it's disgusting. You're not normal at all, you're not popular like all of the girls he has dated, and you are the complete opposite of beautiful.

I sighed then looked at the clock. One hour after midnight. How long have I been thinking about this?

This is stupid. I'm lying here, thinking about Fiyero; my best friend's ex boyfriend. I'm not meant to be loved, anyway, so why am I even wasting time thinking about him?

I finally closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep and forget about the whole he's in love with someone else situation. But it was no use. The harder I tried not to think about the Vinkun Prince, the more I thought about him.


Author's note:

Heyo, everyone! (Yeah, I ship Klendez. It's like one of the best brOTPs ever!) Anyway, sorry I haven't updated this in so long. I've been working on my upcoming fanfic (it will be called Just For This Moment ). Also, please comment your review on this fanfic because those really make my day!
Until next time!

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