ch. 21

502 30 6

minho's pov

i walked back into the house, it was really quiet. i saw some blankets on the couch and an almost empty bowl of popcorn on the coffee table.

they must've watched a movie, i thought to myself. i head up the stairs and into the bedroom, i saw seungmin and jisung sleeping together in the bed.

i felt a feeling of jealously well up inside me, and i walked over to jisung's side, about to wake him up.

but i stopped in my tracks when i saw dried tears on his cheeks, the jealous feeling disappeared and soon was replaced with a feeling of dread.


i kissed him on the forehead, almost freezing when he stirred in his sleep.

he opened his heads, "m—min?" he mumbled out.

"shh, go back to sleep, baby." i whispered, glancing at seungmin for a second.

he didn't listen and only sat up, and hugged me. i hugged him back just as tight.

"i'm sorry for fighting with you." i whispered, noticing seungmin was starting to wake up.

when he saw us hugging, i saw him sigh sadly, and get out of the bed.

"i—i'm gonna go home now." he mumbled sadly, walking over to the door.

jisung pulled away from the hug, "wait, seung.." he got up and hugged the younger, "thank you, for staying with me." i heard him mumble to him.

seungmin hugged him back, "anytime, sung." he said.

soon after he left, me and jisung cuddled in bed, watching a movie together.

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