Part 1: I Am Legend...Not

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I always thought life was supposed to be fun, easy, and worth living.

It was true...until my parents sat me down and told me my twin sister Luna was gone.

We were eight.

We were just kids.

And yet she never got to grow up and experience all life could have offered her. It was cruel. It pushed me down a path that made me want to better the world around least medically.

I worked hard everyday to be able to get into a good college, so that I could study medicine and make it so no more brothers had to lose their sisters to a simple mistake.

I'm so close to starting my residency.

I've been top of my class for the last three years and I can taste my opportunity to be the first to pick my hospital of choice.

I want the fucking establishment that failed my sister.

I want New Amsterdam.

Not everyone gets to pick their hospital.

Top three students only, but second and third choose after the first student. There's only a handful of good hospitals. But I'm not looking for good. New Amsterdam is nowhere near good. Sure it was the first hospital in New York, but it is far from the best.

This is my last year and I will be first or I will jump off the fucking Brooklyn Bridge.

"Are you at it already, Man?" My roommate and first friend I met- Ignatious Frome asks as he stuffs Cheetos in his mouth.

"School starts tomorrow. The last year before my fate is determined. I will not fail." I say as I scan through my anatomy book.

I'm a chronic studier.

That's all I ever do.

I don't do parties.

I don't drink.

I don't go out unnecessarily.

It hasn't failed me yet.

"Dude, you have never failed. I don't think one night off before Hell starts- will kill you." Ig rubs my shoulders aggressively and shakes me a bit. "Come on! Don't you wanna see Reynolds get wasted and try to pick up women way out of his league?"

"Not really."

"What if it's at Bulldog's and I buy your dinner." My stomach growls loudly and he shakes me harder.
"That's all the answer I need! Come on!"

He pulls me from my chair and we leave our dorm unfortunately.

"So, you excited or just stressed?" He asks and I shrug as we get in the elevator.


"You're top of the class. You're beating out Shin and Penthaki. Dudes don't stand a chance against ya. So live just a bit this year. You're supposed to have fun in college- not develop multiple ulcers." We exit the elevator and make our way out onto the street. I grew up in a smaller town. Not a lot of people or traffic. Not a lot of noise.

New York is totally different than any place I've ever been.

But I've gotten used to it. Slowly.

"Maybe I like my ulcers. My ulcers get me through school."

"Funny. You have to live Max. Drink. Stay out late. Fuck. It's all apart of life and if you want one- you have to start somewhere." Crossing the street, we walk up another half a block to where a live band is playing and the place is just crowded.

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