Part 5: Study Me

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"Are you alright?" She asks from my bed and I just stare blankly at her.

"Yeah...can I get you anything? Water? Soda? A snack?" Maybe if we get food and drinks involved this will be less awkward.

"I'm fine, thank you." She pats the bed beside her and I feel my heart beat beginning to race. I never sat in bed with a woman who wasn't related to me. Slowly walking over, I sit down a few feet away from her on the bed and pull out my note book. "Okay, Haha. Let's start on ATPs."

She reads me her notes and I write. Her voice reminds me of a documentary film- where she's the narrator. She draws diagrams in my notebook and explains each little thing in detail. Her red nail polish distracts me slightly as she points to things in our book. I catch a faint scent of vanilla and honey. We fill quite a few pages in and by the end of the recording, Helen is sitting an inch from me.

"Well...that's the end of it." She says as she turns her phone off and closes the book. "Think you got it?"

Looking up at her, I search her eyes- the dark brown orbs that have a small shimmer in them. Her skin is flawless and her smile radiating.

"Yeah..." That's all I can muster. She looks between my eyes and then looks down briefly at my lips.

"Good...glad I could help..." She whispers and I feel an odd turning in my stomach. Something I've never felt before. It feels hot and yet chilly. " there um...anything else....that you need help with?"

"I...I...Don't know..." The silence around us feels heavy. Like a super muggy day in the summer. I feel a tightening in my core. I can't stop swallowing hard as I try to force myself to look away.


But I don't want too.

"If you um...if you think of anything... just um... just let me know." She whispers and she slowly leans closer to me. My core tightens and twists as I look down and catch the top of her breasts poking out of her blouse. I feel a slight tingle in my lap and I feel kind of heavy. I've never felt this before.

I've never had...

I've never had an erection before.

I was so depressed since eight years old that I simply never had one. I've never had a reason to touch myself either. Always focused on studies and dealing with horrible thoughts- neither gave me the opportunity to want to "be a man" and release myself or deal with urges.

Shifting myself in bed slightly, I wish it wouldn't be so weird to just grab something and cover it up. Because it is completely obvious that I have one based on the pitch in my basketball shorts.

I make a huge mistake.

I glance down at it and that in turn draws her attention also to it.

She blushes and looks away immediately.

My alarm for 12:45 goes off which means we need to start heading to class and I certainly can't go like this.

"I um...I'm sorry..." I say as I abruptly and sort of painfully get up and out of bed and try to simply make it to the bathroom. Once in there, I look down at my hardened dick and try to think of anything that will deflate it.

It's so sensitive right now and I'm frankly uncomfortable.

Of course my first erection had to be sitting next to the hottest and smartest woman in existence.

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