Part 4: The Front Row

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As I walk into Anatomy, I notice Helen coming in with a smile on her face as she sits down beside me.

"Good morning, Max." She says with a smile.

" seem to be in a good mood today." I say and try not to think about her night with Cassian.

"I'm pleasantly well. Thank you for noticing. I got my paper done last night."

"I got mine done after second class yesterday." I say casually and she raises her eyebrows.

"Wow...competitive much."

"Oh...oh no- I was just saying." She nods a few times and I try to make it better. "I bet your paper was better."

Rolling her eyes, she grabs her things from her bag and adjusts herself in her seat.

"Probably." She teases and I scoff.

"What time did you finish last night?"

"About midnight. I was up a while." She says and looks at me. "I was slightly preoccupied- so it took a while to get it finished."

"Hey sexy. Last night was fun." Cassian comes up and sits on Helen's side of the desk.

"It was- but you should refrain from calling me such a sexist word." She bites slightly and I inwardly smirk as I turn on my laptop.

"I apologize- Mi'lady. If you wanna work on...anatomy later...let me know." He winks at her and pushes my book and notebook on the floor as he leaves to find a seat. "Watch yourself Maxy Pad."

Before I can get up, Helen is under the table grabbing all my things for me. Getting back up in her seat, she sets them back on the desk and sits back at the table in her spot.

"Thank didn't need to grab those." I say and she shakes her head.

"You shouldn't take such shit from him." I look at her and sigh.

"Don't worry about." I say and she shakes her head.

"I don't get you."


"Nothing. Just never mind." She faces the board and grabs her phone.

"Alright everyone! Let's get started on the chest cavity!" Garvey says and Helen starts her phone recorder. I look down at my notebook and pencil and wonder if maybe I should take her lead and just record it.

Sliding my phone out of my pocket, I swipe to my recorder app and press record.

Helen glances down and smiles slightly before looking back up at Garvey.


Class was a lot more...involved. A lot more...simple than I thought it was even when I was taking notes.

Helen was right.

You get more information watching the slides and not focusing solely on writing what you hear.

Packing up, I  put my laptop away and  glance down at Helen typing on her phone.


Right- she'll be going out with him tomorrow. Tonight is Floyd.

"So, Psych next- yeah?" She says and I simply shake myself back to paying attention.

"Yeah." I say and stand up. Looking around, I realize Iggy didn't make it to class this morning.

"What's wrong?"

"Iggy isn't here. That's not like him."

"Maybe he didn't feel well this morning. Maybe he decided to just stay home."

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