Part 20: "Mediocre"parents Are Okay?

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It took about four minutes for my father to look up in the mirror and notice Helen and I walking towards the car. I notice him do a near double take before he turns to my mother and points- looking either confused or really fucking pissed. I stop Helen and look down at her as I put the breaks on the stroller on.

"Baby...look at me." I shake her slightly and she looks at me with those big wet eyes. "I love you. I love you so much baby."

Leaning down I kiss her and when we pull back, she looks slightly better than earlier.

"You ready? Because there they are." I gesture to the car where my parents are getting out of it. She doesn't even have a chance to say anything or breathe before they're right there.

"Max!" My mother wraps me in her arms and I feel as if she's blatantly ignoring the stroller of babies I'm clinging to.


"Son." They ignore Helen- but I'm not convinced it's on purpose- when she pulls back, my dad shakes my hand and barely smiles before looking at Helen.

"Mom, you remember Helen?" I say and go to Helen's side slightly.

"Yes, nice to see you again."

"Dad, this girlfriend Helen." I say and hers and everyone else's eyes widen. "Helen this is my father, Andrew."

"Nice to meet you." Helen sweetly says and my father shakes her hand with a small smile.

"Mom...Dad—I want you to meet your grandchildren- Oscar...and Luna." They stare between us and the babies and I can feel Helen stiffen beside me.

"Gra...grandchildren?" My mother becomes puzzled and father just looks distant.

"Yes...why don't we go sit somewhere and get breakfast." I suggest. They don't move or say anything for a few moments and then finally they nod and gesture for me to lead the way. Leading them down the block to Daphne's Diner, we walk in and I struggle slightly to maneuver the stroller between the tables to get to an open booth in the back. We sit down and Helen sits on the outside near the babies and Mom and Dad just watch her curiously.

"Hi, how are you all doing today?" A young man with black hair asks as he takes out a notepad.

"We're doing well. Thank you." My father says barely acknowledging the man- his eyes never leaving Helen- while my mother's never leave the twins.

"Can I get you started with some drinks?"

"Decaf Coffee, please." My mother says.

"Black coffee for me." My father says.

"Some orange juice, please." I say.

"May I have hot chai tea- please."

"Of course- here are some menus for you to look over." He leaves us with them and we all quietly look them over- well...Helen and I do. My parents just continue to stare- fixated on the two sets of things that bother them both. After a few things- the waiter come back and we all order- Oatmeal for Helen, eggs and sausage for my mom, Pancakes for my dad, and I order eggs and bacon with some fruit. After a few moments of waiting, our food comes out and we eat in silence.

Not exactly what I had in mind- but I know they're both internally thinking of the polite way to tell us both to fuck off.

"" I begin, but can hardly move passed that.

It isn't until Oscar fusses slightly that they draw their attention back to the babes.

"Come here, baby boy." Helen quietly says and scoots towards the stroller to scoop him up.

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