Part 12: Step Away

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"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Mrs. Goodwin." Garvey says as she shakes my mother's hand. "Is Mr. Goodwin joining us?"

"No, he is out of town on business-I'm afraid." She says and rubs my shoulder as she sits beside me.

"Mrs, Goodwin..."

"Nancy, please."

"Nancy, the reason I called it that myself and several of Max's other professors, doctors, and even peers have taken concern in your son's education and behavior." I feel my mother drop slightly beside me and I can hear her breath catch in her throat once more.

Like all those years ago.

"Max..." She looks at me with that sad smile and ready eyes.

"It's fine." I say and Garvey cuts in.

"Max has been failing all his classes. He went from first spot to fifth in a matter to two weeks. His friends have expressed concern for his well-being- saying he's been removing himself from their gatherings more than usual and has mood swings, he isn't eating- doesn't leave his dorm except to go to class and do laundry. He has alienated himself from everyone and instead of doubling his gpa score like normal or even steadily climbing like normal students- he has been stuck in his current GPA range since the school year started. Moments before your arrival- I was discussing this with Max and he blacked out I believe. Was unresponsive for fifteen minutes. The lights were on- but no one was home. I'm very concerned, Nancy. Does Max have a history of these..."

"Yes. He does." She cuts in and I lower my head a bit. "Max has always been recluse since his twin sister- Luna passed away when they were just eight. When Max was 13- his teachers very similar to now- expressed their concern and it ended with Max having a meltdown and needing to be restrained before he ran out into an active parking to get to the roadway." Hearing my mother say it, confidently, yet remorseful- I hear how insane I sound.

How insane I must seem to everyone else.

"Did he receive any medical treatment after that incident?"

"He was enrolled in a  medical facility for mental health. He stayed there for two weeks- did his schooling there and they discharged him. We had him involved in therapy and group therapy for similar situations in children who experience great loss. He participated in that for almost a year and a half- was released from their care and went back to school- cranked down on studying and we haven't had an issue since...until now."

She looks at me slightly and I shake my head.

Those years of therapy and medical attention were pointless. One can easily lie and pretend to be who they want you to be.

No one's pain and sadness never actually leave them. They just mask them for the people who can't handle reality.

"Well, Max would you like some input?" Garvey asks and looks at me sweetly.

"Yeah, I already said I was..."

"Sorry, I'm late." The back door flies open and I quickly turn around and find Helen hustling down the steps holding her books to her chest. When she gets to base level, she pushes a few strands of braids out over her face and place them behind her ear as she takes a seat next to Garvey and across from my Mum and I. My eyes widen and I glance away from her.

"That's alright, Miss. Sharpe. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this meeting. Nancy Goodwin- this is Helen Sharpe. She is one of my students and one of Max's concerned friends. I asked if she would join us today to give some feedback." I look at her very briefly and notice that her smile- though sweet and genuine, is also full of pain and possibly malice." This isn't going to end well for me.

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