Part 11: Worry No More, Mr. Goodwin

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"I want that essay in my  Terminal by Friday morning! You're all dismissed." Garvey yells and I go to stand when she comes towards me. "Not you."

She points her finger down on the grain of the table and I inwardly sigh and watch Iggy and the others leave.

When they're all gone- I turn back and find her angry.


"What is going on with you, Max?"


"Bullshit. You've been distracted for weeks and quarter reports came out yesterday with your name at fifth." Her voice is heavy and domineering. "Where is your head, Max Goodwin- because it's not here. It's not in any of your classes. I've talked to all your professors and doctors you've been doing clinicals with. All of them are highly concerned about you. I'm concerned about you."

"I'm fine- It's just..." I stop talking because I don't have a good excuse.

"You look like shit." She says bluntly and I sit back and look at her.

" can't say..."

"Yes, I can. You look like shit, Max. You look like you've been thinned out in the wash and left to get musty and moldy. You're obviously not eating properly if at all. You're showing signs of sleep deprivation. But the most alarming thing is not only the drop in your grades- but the drop in your social life as well. Where are your friends Max? Hmm? Because they're not here. You've been sitting alone for over three weeks now. Either by your choice or not. Those two guys that mercilessly tease and pick on you aren't even partaking in that. And it's not because they've grown up and took their heads out of their asses- it's because they too notice that you are not you. So what are we going to do, Max? What am I going to do with you?" I just look up at her and feel myself slipping back into the sixth grade.

*** January 9th, 2010**

"Max? Can I speak with you for a moment?" Mrs. Hersch, my science teacher, says to me as I prepare to leave her class.

"S...sure." Pulling up my jeans, I try to get them to stay up with my sweatshirt band.

They've gotten looser.

Too loose.

I need a belt.

"Max, please sit." I do as she asks and watch her smile soften even more as she puts her bright red hair up in a messy bun before pulling a chair over to my desk and sitting with me. "I wanted to talk to you about something you wrote in Mr. Frank's class. May I?"

My eyes widen and I swallow hard, but I nod. Before she does- there's a knock on the door and in walks the guidance counselor- Mr. Dodd and my Mother.

Why is she here?

She should be at work.

She doesn't get done until 5:45.

It's only 10:20.

"Welcome- I was just about to read him something he wrote." Mrs. Hersch says and they both grab a seat. My mother smiles warmly at me and kisses my head before sitting back in her chair.

"Continue, please." My mother says politely and Mrs. Hersch smiles and begins.

"The path was darkened before Jared. He did not know which way was home. He only knew that which ever path was taken- that he would inevitably be taking it alone. He sits down and ponders what way might be right. On both sides there are options, but neither have any light. Jared knows there's wind blowing, but he doesn't feel it on his person. Jared knows that sound resonates from both paths, but he is unable to stand to listen.

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