Part 17: Truth Hurts

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I got a cab to the hospital.

I wasn't going to let that asshole hurt her any more with his lies.

Running to the information desk- I wait impatiently for the nurse to get off the phone.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Helen Sharpe- she was just brought in by ambulance- she's pregnant with my twins." She types in her computer and looks up at me.

"And your name sir?"

"Maxim Goodwin."

"That's not the name we have down for the paternal father."

"Christopher Blaine?"

"That would be him."

"Ma'am that is false information. I'm the biological father! I..."

"Sir, I need you to calm down."

"I'm sorry...Miss...Katie..." I read her name tag. "I am begging you- please. Let me see her. I just need to know she's okay. She had placental of her babies is in critical danger and I need to be there. I need to be...I wasn't early on and it hurt me everyday knowing some other man was taking care of the love of my life and my children. I know this isn't your problem and I know you have fifty million better things to do- but please...please- I am begging you. I would die for her and I would die for those babies she's carrying. I need to just see her. Please."

I beg and she looks around and no other nurses are close by.

"Her chart says she's in OR 2 at the moment. There's an observation deck down the hall and to the left. Get in-get out and if you get caught..."

"I walked in on my own." I fill in the rest and she nods. "Thank you so much."

Going down the hall, I look both ways before I slip inside the door she told me too. Walking up to the glass, I look down at Helen- who is fully awake as the prepare to cut into her abdomen for an emergency c-section. I look around and I don't find Christopher amongst the other doctors.  Helen looks so frightened and her heartbeat is racing and her BP is climbing. Slipping out, I go down the hall and find a supply closet- sneaking in I grab scrubs and pull them on over my close and a face mask. Going to the service elevator, I take it down a floor and go to the OR 2 room. Behind the glass I find all the nurses and doctors working together and a nurse talking to Helen to try and keep her calm.

"Doctor Blaine?" I turn and look at a nurse.

"They need you in there to calm your girlfriend." I nod and head inside. I walk around the surgical equipment and the extra bodies. Getting to Helen, she looks up at me and even though she's on morphine- she is still with it enough to be upset and not so loopy.

"What are they doing? They won't say anything..." She cries and soft music plays in the back ground. "Please...please tell me."

Everyone looks at me and I look over the curtain and I find them preparing to remove the one placenta and amniotic sac with the baby I suspect isn't with us any more. I sit on a stool a nurse gives me and I take her hand in mine. Leaning forward, I talk softly to her.

"Baby..." I notice her eyes flip slightly as she recognizes my voice. She searches my eyes. "The one detached...they're removing...they're removing the baby..."

Her lip quivers.

" okay? It'll be okay- right?" Everyone looks at me and I feel sick to my stomach.

"Once they long it was...they'll be able to" Her tears become heavier and I look up at them.

"Removing the detached placenta now." The head surgeon states through his mask and I just squeeze Helen's hand.

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