Part 18: Justice

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Gray walls surround me.

The low buzzing of electricity in the fluorescent bulbs fill the 6x6 room.

I sit in this plastic chair- staring down at my knees as tears dry upon my bruised face-my right eye slightly swollen as the bruise radiates outward in a hot circle. The frosted panes glass of the door lets the bright light of the hallway shine in- while the light in this room flickers slightly every so often.

My hands shake in my lap. The jingling of handcuffs chitter and mock the buzzing sound from the light.

I didn't think it would end like this.

I mean...

I sort of expected it too...

But I was hoping I was wrong.

I glance at my bruised arm where the catheter drew large copious amounts of my blood and gave it to her.


I feel nauseous and dizzy sitting here. The gray walls seemingly shrinking in on me- trying to be sneaky about it, but I know it's happening.

My eyes painfully shift to the blood stain on the scrub pants I'm in.

They also catch the blood splatter across the scrub top.

I really thought this would be perfect.

That it would work and everyone would be happy and look passed what I had done.

But like the rest of my life- the best outcome didn't happen.

The best outcomes can never survive in my life.

They can never coincide.

Maybe that's because I'm cursed.

Or maybe it's because I think I'm right and my actions are right.

When in fact they are terribly wrong.

The jiggling of the metallic door handle cringe my eyes up to it. The frosted window slightly darkened by a shadowed figure on the other side of it.

"Max Goodwin. I was hoping that the rumors were false...why am I not surprised that they were true after all?"

"Doctor Garvey...I...I tried." I quietly say as I look up at her. Her blonde hair in a high ponytail and her arms crossed in front of her chest. Pulling the chair from the corner of the room near the door- she sits and crosses her left leg over her right and re-crosses her arms.

"Where should I begin?" She growls slightly and shakes her head. "I know- the fact that I gave you the biggest opportunity of your life months ago- going to bat for you- and you blew it. Ran out on your boards."


"Shhh! Enough. I'm not finished. Sneaking into an OR observation room... not as bad as it could be. Sneaking into the actual OR under the guise of a doctor...huh...pretty bad. Doing an unsanctioned- out of date- and highly dangerous direct blood transfusion—extremely stupid, irresponsible, reckless, life threatening, and very very very...noble. Fucking stupid...but noble." She smiles slightly and I look up at her with red puffy eyes. "Although...getting the shit beat out of you by the impersonated doctor- who wants to sue your ass...not so noble. You not only got the shit beat out of you- while losing copious amounts of your own blood- ending the transfusion- but you also managed to somehow earn the respect of all the witnesses in the room....while saving not only a dying woman's life—but also that of a baby that the staff foolishly gave up on based on medical statistics and not relying on care and sympathy towards the patients potential loss."

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