Part 3: The Struggle Bus

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I had gotten my essay done within the hour.

Garvey emailed me right away and said that it looked great and was impressed that I got it done in a day.

Biology was uneventful. Once more, Helen was in my class and simply sat there and occasionally typed, by mostly just listened.

It floors me that she doesn't take notes.

I bet she hires someone to do her homework for her.

Leaving my last class, Cell Physiology- I look over my book closely.

This class I can tell, is already going to be the hardest. Clinical visits are easier than the damn thing. It's going to be my hardest class. Just looking at this book confuses me.

"What's the matter Maxy Pad- class not so easy for ya?" Cassian comes walking by and pushes into me. I drop my books and he just starts laughing as he walks off with Ligon.

"Fucking arseholes." Turning, I find Helen grabbing a few of my notes that came out of my book I dropped. She slowly gathers them and I grab some more. "Why do you let them push you around?"

"Because it's nothing new. Been dealing with it for the last three years." I grumble and grab my book. I go to take my papers from her and she dodged my hand.

"This isn't right."


"You mixed this all up. Phagocytosis is not the same thing as Pinocytosis. And how you explained ATP transference isn't correct either." Taking the papers from her hand, I cram them back in my book and she shrugs.

"How do you know? You didn't even take notes."

"I certainly did."

"Memorizing words being said is not taking notes." Rolling her eyes, she takes her phone out and I just assume she's texting someone- so I start walking away.

"... food particles through an extension of the pseudopods, which are located on the plasma membrane. The pseudopods then package the particles in a food vacuole."

I turn as I hear the professor speaking and I find her playing a recording on her phone.

"I take notes. I just don't write them down until I get home- that way I can pay full attention to every diagram and all the slides instead of just the snippets he provides you with." She snarkily says and I just look at her- feeling stupid.

Why have I never thought of that before?!

"Feel pretty stupid- now don't you?" She walks off down the hall and I chase her down.

"Hey! Would you um...I mean...can I..."

"What are you stuttering on about?" She turns back to me and I really need her notes.

"Could we get  together- ya know like for a study da—."

"A study date? Um, yeah..."




Not a date. Just a study day.


" how about at Central Park?" I say and she smiles and nods.

"Sure, what time?"

"How about Saturday at 12:00." I say.

"Alright sounds great." Passing me, she walks down the hall to leave and I wish I told her it's not a date.

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