Chapter 5

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No one's POV

Weiss had stood at a balcony staring off angrily unknown to her Randy had appeared and was standing behind her.

"The scenery is quite beautiful isn't it." Randy said as he walked next to her.

Weiss gave a surprised yelp before composing herself.

"Oh Randy what are you doing here?" Weiss asked and Randy continued to look at the scenery.

"You seem to have something on your mind I was wondering what it was?" Randy asked.

Weiss sighed and stood next to him.

"Well it's just I think I should have been the leader of team RWBY." She said and Randy looked at her.

"I actually believe that is quite ridiculous." Randy said and Weiss looked at him.

"Excuse me?"

"Do not get me wrong I believe you are a strong fighter with many talents and I know when someone is well trained but it seems you do not have the qualities of a good leader." Randy said turning to her completely.

"But why? I've trained with the best trainers for years, I've worked hard to get where I am, I have many talents and are one of the smartest in the whole school." Weiss said and Randy just nodded.

"And that's exactly my point do you know what you remind me off?" Randy asked and Weiss shook her head as Randy gave a small chuckle.

"Myself, I was raised in a temple where we we're all trained for one goal to become the ninja the highest ranking person in the temple so I trained hard everyday, excelled in all my lessons, worked hard and I eventually did it but I could never work well with others and that was my downfall." Randy said.

"What do you mean?" Weiss asked.

"I was put as leader of a team for a Mission but my ego had clouded my better judgement I was to commanding even though my team offered many good ideas I believed that my skill was enough to lead them alone and I failed that mission and all my teammates were killed." Randy said and Weiss gave a small gasp.

"It was all my fault I didn't feel worthy of being a leader let alone even having the title of ninja and all the powers that came with it because of my errors innocent people died but then my master came to me." Randy paused as a smile graced his face under his mask.

"He told me that even though it was my fault it happened I must continue to bare the title of ninja for my fallen teammates but never again allow my ego to get the better of me and I listened from that day I was never a leader again I devoted myself to be a good teammate and that is the point I am trying to make with you." Randy said but Weiss still looked confused.

"Ruby has heart and I can see she would do anything to help a teammate but you must also help her by being a good teammate and motivate her to do her best and help her when she struggles." Randy said and Weiss looked down before nodding.

"I understand and I should go apologize to her for my mood." Weiss said and Randy nodded.

"Then go." Randy said but Weiss hugged him.

"Thank you for talking to me Randy." Weiss said though she had a small blush on her face.

"You are quite welcome but isn't it a bit out of the ordinary to hug someone you just met?" Randy asked.

"Shut up Randy." Weiss said as she still hugged him as he chuckled but hugged back.

The two stayed like that for a little while before Weiss seperated and cleared her throat.

"I should probably go." She said and Randy nodded.

"Yes and I have some homework to complete." Randy said as they parted ways.

Randy returned to his dorm and got questioned by his friends on his whereabouts but he never answered.

That night

Randy had been laying in his bed and sat up as he looked around the dark room.

Everyone was already asleep so he got out off bed and left his dorm.

He returned to the same Balcony and looked at the night sky smiling.

"You were right the scenery is quite nice." Randy turned and saw Weiss standing behind him.

"Oh Weiss hello did you talk to Ruby?" Randy asked and Weiss nodded.

"Yes we did and I apologize a little earlier I even caught her studying a bit." Weiss chuckled as she stood next to Randy.

"See progress but what are you doing here?" Randy asked and Weiss looked away.

I-I wanted to get some air and I saw you standing here and decided to join you but what are you doing here?" Weiss asked and Randy smiled.

"When I was younger I'd look at the stars I always admired there beauty at night." Randy said looking at the sky.

"Oh and speaking of studying I was wondering if... you'd like to s-study together?" Weiss asked with a light blush.

Randy looked at her and smiled as he nodded.

"I'd love to but for now let's enjoy the scenery a bit." Randy said and Weiss nodded as they both turned to the stars speaking about whatever came to mind.

Unknown to both of them they where being watched by two people.

"I was not expecting this." Sans whispered to Tiger who nodded and gave a small yawn.

"Maybe we should leave them alone I'm tired." Tiger said and Sans nodded but not before quickly taking pictures.

"Yeah me too let's hit the hay." Sans said as he and Tiger left together going back to there dorm as they both got back into there respective beds and went back to sleep.

"Goodnight Sans."

"Goodnight Tiger."

"Goodnight both of you now go to sleep." Sun said shocking the two as they went back to sleep.


That's it for this chapter

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