Chapter 33

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No one's POV

"Unfortunately we determined that the concentration of Grimm's was too much for first years it seems that region is rather popular but I assume you'd somehow go there no matter where you sign." Ozpin said.

Everyone then turned to Ruby who had her hands behind her head.

"What makes you say that?" She asked.

"I'm still curious on how you found yourselves at the docks last semester, I'm interested to know how you found out about this hideout in the Southeast and I certainly know why there where robots and rose petals at the dance club a few months ago."

"Uhhhhhh about that."

"So instead of just waiting for you to break the rules how about we just bend them." Ozpin said as he walked forward and signed both teams to it.

"Thanks professor we won't let you down." Ruby and Sun said while Tiger was cheering for joy.

"Don't thank me, teamwork has always carried you this far but you must understand that what lies beyond this kingdom will not care, stay close to your huntsman he will be leading this mission and he will send you back if he finds your skills unsatisfactory." Ozpin said.

Ozpin then left as the teams walked outside.

"Well that wasn't exactly uplifting." Yang said.

"But ya gotta admit he has a point." Sans said.

"Come on guys I know it's tough but I also know we can do it." Ruby said.

"Hey team CFVY is back."

They turned and saw the team walking to the school.

"Is everything alright?" Randy asked them.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks to Yatsuhushi having my back." Velvet said.

"Your mission was supposed to end a week ago what happened?" Weiss asked.

"Nothing happened it's just there are so many." Velvet said.

This raised everyone's concerns while Tiger got excited as well at the possibilities of what they would be fighting.

"But your just first years shadowing a huntsman you'll be fine." She said.

"Riiiiight." Yang said sighing to herself.

"We have to go stay safe you guys." Velvet said as they left.

Now everyone was worried except Ruby.

"We've never backed out of anything before and where not gonna quit now right guys?" Ruby asked and everyone smiled.

"Yeah." Yang said smiling.

"Besides we won't be alone we'll be with a genuine huntsmen." Sun said.

"Yeah!" Yang and Tiger yelled.

It was at that moment they realised the Huntsman in-charge was Professor Oobleck.

"Why hello there who's ready to fight for there life?" Professor Oobleck asked and Tiger raised his hand.

"As well as you won't be needing those bags, see you have chosen to shadow a huntsmen on what is now a recon mission we won't be establishing a single base rather we will be traveling through several miles of hazardous waste line making camp at any defendable location we stumble upon, I've packed our essentials from he air of course, readied the airship and..."

He went in front of Weiss looking at her.

"It's Dr. Oobleck I didn't earn my PHD for nothing."

"Uhhhhhh." Weiss was confused but so was everyone else.

"Trust me when I say we are all feeling the same way right now." Sans said getting a nod.

"Come now children by my schedule we are all...3 minutes behind schedule." He said as he dashed away.

"Alright looks like where saving the world with-"

"Ruby from anything I've learnt if you say that it will only get worse." Tiger said.

"Save the world?" They turned and saw Nora and team JNPR.

"Your going on a mission to save the world without us? I am so sad maybe hungry though the last one isn't your fault though. REN." Nora said as she turned to Ren.

"Sounds exciting so where are you going?" Jaune asked.

"Just outside the kingdom." Ruby replied and Sun nodded.

"Hey so are we!" Nora said as they nodded.

"Nora and Ren wanted to shadow a sheriff of a nearby village." Pyrrha said.

"Sounds like fun." Sun said as Tiger was waiting to leave.

"Are you guys going to the same place?" Jaune asked and Tiger nodded.

"Yup there going to a place that has a number of grimms and I wanna fight so badly." Tiger said as team JNPR nodded.

"Four minutes!" They heard professor Oobleck yell.

"Well wish us luck." Ruby said as the eight of them left.

They all entered the bull head as it took off.

"I just never saw you as a fighter sir." Yang said as the professor chuckled.

"I fancy myself an intellectual but rest assured as a hunter I have face my fair share of tough situations." He said.

They where all flying for a bit before he turned to them all.

"Guess the old saying of never judge a book by its cover really can apply here right now." Sans said chuckling.

"Sorry, given my expertise in the field of history as well as my dazzling Archeological surveys, our headmaster decided to assign me to this particular.... assignment." Oobleck said.

"What does history have to do with any of this?" Weiss asked.

"Oh silly girl history is the very backbone of our industry, no pun intended." Oobleck said as Sans still chuckled.

"Backbone." He chuckled as he shook his head.

"What does that mean?" Weiss asked still confused.

"Southeast quadrant is home to wildforce and decay but also says to be the kingdoms greatest failure." Tiger said and Sans nodded.

"Mountain Glen." Sans said as his eyes turned black.

"Yeah it was an extension of Vale." Yang said.

"Before it was overrun by Grimm and cut off from the rest of the world." Randy said.

"Correct and now it stands abandoned and a dark reminder." Oobleck said.

"A likely place to hideout." Blake said.

"Precisely." Oobleck said.

"Many happy memories of playing there when I was younger." Tiger smiled as he stretched his arms.

Everyone turned to him after he said that.

"You played in a Grimm infested area?" Oobleck said and Tiger nodded.

"That's where I found Kenny and Viper and where we all found our animals." Tiger said and his team nodded.

"He speaks the truth." Sun said as the subject was dropped since they wouldn't answer questions.


That's it for this chapter

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