Chapter 15

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No one's POV

"So anyway what are you doing here?" Yang asked.

"I'm here to fight in the tournament." Penny answered and that surprised Weiss a bit.

"Wait, your fighting in the tournament?" Sans asked thinking he didn't hear right but Penny nodded.

"I am combat ready." She said.

"Forgive me but you hardly look the part." Weiss said.

"Says the girl wearing a dress." Blake said.

"It's a combat skirt." Weiss said and Ruby gave her a low five.

"Yeah." She said but Tiger still held her protectively.

"Which reminds me Twisting Tiger you acted just like a Faunas rapscallion entering that boat without permission." Weiss said and this made Blake angry.

"Why do you keep calling them that?" Blake asked.

"What?" Weiss asked confused.

"Why do you keep calling Faunas rapscallion and degenerate there people." Blake said and Weiss raised an eyebrow.

"What do you expect me to not call a trashcan a trashcan and a lamppost a lamppost give most Faunas enough time and they'll probably join the White Fang." Weiss said.

"Weiss that enough." Randy said frowning at her but it was to late.

"UGH YOU IGNORANT LITTLE BRAT!" Blake yelled at her as she stomped away angrily.

"How dare you call me that I am your teammate!" She yelled as Tiger let go of Ruby as he frowned.

"I think we should go." Yang said.

The two of them where at each other's throats till they returned to Beacon.

"This is basically just a Trainwreck in a nutshell." Sans whispered to Randy who nodded.

"I'm not sure why this is such a problem." Weiss said.

"That's the problem." Blake said.

"You do realise you are defending an organisation that is completely against humanity? The faunas of the White Fang are pure evil." Weiss said.

"There is no such thing as pure evil why do you think the White Fang are the way they are it's because people like Cardin, people like you force them to be like this!" Blake yelled.

"People like me?"

"Your discriminatory."

"I'm a victim!" Weiss yelled back.

The whole room was quiet for a while.

"Want to know why I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust Faunas it's because they've been at war with my family as long as I can remember." Weiss said before continuing.

"War, actual blood shed my grandfathers company has had a target on its back as long as I can remember ever since I was a child I saw family and friends disappear, board members being executed and entire train of Dust stolen everyday father could come home furious and that made for a very difficult childhood." Weiss said and Ruby tried to comfort her but Tiger stopped her as he was seething with anger.

"You want to know why I despise the White Fang it's because they are a bunch of liars thieves and murderers!"

"Maybe we just got tired of being pushed around!" Blake yelled in anger.

Everyone stood in shock of what she had said.

Blake realised what she had said and quickly ran out of the room.

Unknown to them Sun had also left quietly.

"Blake wait!" Ruby yelled after her as Randy was about to say something but Tiger got up and was now in Weiss face.

"HOW DARE YOU!" He yelled at her shocking everyone.

"You call Faunas murderers but humans are much worse! How many Faunas have lost friends and family to you humans answer me!" Tiger yelled as he growled.

"How many innocent faunas children have had to watch there parents leave one day only for them to never return!" Tiger gripped his fist.

"How many Faunas children had watched there parents murdered trying to protect them while they're parents where killed by you humans!" Tiger yelled.

"Why does it matter to you!" Weiss yelled back at him.

"Because I'm one of those children! You complain of your difficult childhood?! I wish I even knew my parents all I have is a vague memory from when I was four before a human came into my home and killed my parents without mercy as my mother hid me away but not before that human bastard scarred me!" Tiger yelled and the whole room was silent.

"I was hiding while there body's where dragged away! And for two years I was all alone no one to comfort me as I became an orphan they where the only family I ever had and do you know where I found them!" Tiger asked as tears fell from his eyes.


"NEVER SPEAK OF DIFFICULT CHILDHOODS TO ME WHEN YOU KNOW NOTHING OF SUFFERING!" Tiger said angrily as he wiped his eyes and walked out of the room slamming the door closed hard.

"Aaaaand this became a lot worse." Sans said in the silent room.

Meanwhile at Beacons statue

Blake sat there with her now off revealing her cat ears as Sun walked next to her.

"I knew you'd look a lot better without the bow." Sun said as he sat down next to her.

Blake turned to him in surprise and Sun just softly smiled.

"Looks like we got some time on our hands huh?"

With Tiger

Twisting Tiger was in a forest near Beacon as he sat against it and sighed.

"Tiger?" Tiger looked up and saw Ruby standing there with him.

Tiger looked back down and sighed.

"Yes Ruby?" Tiger asked as Ruby sat next to him.

"I'm sorry about your past Twisting Tiger and I'm super sorry about what I said to you it was so mean a-and." Ruby trailed off as she got watery eyed.

Tiger turned to her immediately and wiped her eyes.

"You have nothing to apologize for I was just angry and that's how I get I'm sorry Ruby but what hurt most might have been what you said as it hurt my heart." Tiger said and Ruby looked at him.

"What?" Ruby asked as she sniffled.

"It wasn't what you said that hurt me honestly me it was that it was you who said it...I don't know ever since I first met you I had this odd feeling in my chest and when we danced it got stronger." Tiger said as he chuckled.

"But I'm just a faunas and your a beautiful human girl it be weird to like me." Tiger said.

"And yet I do." Ruby said as Tigers eyes widened as he he looked at her.

"I felt the same that day and I thought it would leave over time but during the course of the time we got to know each other they didn't and I loved when we danced how you showed me how and how you dipped me, not to mention how loyal you are, kind and protective." Ruby said as she smiled.

"Y-You would actually like a Faunas?" Tiger asked and Ruby held his hand.

"Like Sans said Faunas are human with extra features." She smiled as she pecked his cheek.


That's it for this chapter

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