Chapter 14

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No one's POV

Everyone arrived as the dock and smelled it's stink.

"So remind me what we're doing on a Friday afternoon at these stupid docks?" Yang asked and Ruby nodded.

"Yeah it smells like fish here." She said.

"I agree this place seems kinda fishy." Sans said as Yang chuckled while everyone stayed quiet.

"Ehhhh one of seven ain't so bad." Sans shrugged

"I heard students from Vacuo were arriving today and as a representative of Beacon I wanted to welcome them." Weiss said and Randy looked confused.

"But you had told me you wanted to try and gain an adva-" Randy was cut off by Weiss covering his mouth.

"Mhm suuuuuure." Yang said rolling her eyes.

Ruby looked around and noticed a place where there was police tape over it and detectives in the area.

They all turned and saw it and got curious as they walked over to it.

"What happened here?" Ruby asked the detective and he sighed.

"Robbery, second Dust shop to be hit this place is becoming a real jungle." The Detective said.

"That's terrible." Yang said.

"They left all the money again." The other detective said.

"Doesn't make a lick of sense though what would they need that much Dust anyway?" The detective asked.

"Maybe an army?" The other suggested.

"You thinking the White Fang?" He asked.

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking we don't get paid enough for this."

"Hm the White Fang what a bunch of degenerates." Weiss said and Sun noticed the anger on Blake's face.

"What's your problem?" She asked and Weiss turned to her.

"My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane." Weiss said and Tiger turned to her.

"What makes you think there like that?" Tiger asked.

"Haven't you seen what they've done on the news?" Weiss asked and Randy spoke.

"Actually I have seen the news and I think they are merely misguided Faunas." Randy said and Weiss scoffed.

"Misguided, they want to wipe humanity of the face of the planet." Weiss said.

"Very well they seem to be very misguided." Randy said.

"Either way it doesn't make sense why would White Fang steal from dust shops in Vale." Blake said and Ruby nodded.

"Blake had a point besides the police still haven't caught that Torchwick guy I ran into a few months ago." Ruby said and Sans looked at her.

"You mean Roman Torchwick the guy in that Top hat." Sans said and Ruby nodded.

"Yeah how do you know him?" Ruby asked.

"News." Sans said simply as he shrugged.

"It could be him." Ruby said.

"It does not change the fact that most Faunas are scum who only know how to cheat and steal." Weiss said and Sun felt offended.

"That's not necessarily true ya know." Yang said and Sun spoke up.

"Yeah what am I chop liver?" Sun asked.

Weiss was about to reply but then Sun noticed something.

Sun looked around and noticed just that Tiger was gone.

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